Chapter 64

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He missed his flight and had to wait for the morning flight, he’s finally in Mpumalanga, outside Kushi’s house. She was hysterical over the phone, crying her heart out. 

“They are taking my kids from me.” Is what she said, he would’ve stayed back with his family but there was nothing he could do there. 

He uses the house keys gifted to him by Kushi to enter the house. 

“Kushi!” He calls. 

“Lock the door.” He hears her mumbling before seeing her standing in the kitchen doorway. Hlabela does as told, not sure why she’s asking him to lock the door. His heart is racing nervously as he remembers her cries over the phone. 

“Where are they…” Before he could finish talking, Kushi throws herself in his arms. Her breath is on his neck as she pushes them in the living, her arms never leaving him. Then Hlabela is hugging her back, feeling confusion tug at his heart. He can’t help but wonder if there’s someone in the house, Kushi is trembling and seemingly afraid. 

“What’s going on?” He whispers, his hand gliding up behind Kushi’s neck and holding her. 

“Bella.” She sniffs, her breath coming out a ragged gasp. Hlabela hurriedly pulls away to get a look at her face, his heart aches as he reaches to touch the hot tears. 

“Kushi, talk to me.” 

She shakes her head, hands traveling up to clasp Hlabela’s collar. 

“My uncles and brothers-in-law found out about us, I don’t know how or who told them. They took my babies, they are taking them back to India. I have to go back too, they want me to fulfil my duties as their widow.” She’s spitting out the words, suddenly sobbing. If he knew what to do from here, he wouldn’t be panicking. 

“Hey, calm down. It’s okay.” He shushes her. It’s not okay, she’s leaving and there’s nothing he can do about it. 

“They are taking me away Hlabela, don’t you get it? They’ll be here any minute now.” 

“You’re a grown woman, Kushi. They can’t take you by force, we can alert the cops. Get a restraining order or something.”  

“You don’t know my brother’s in-law, they have influences everywhere. They can do just about anything they want and get away with it-” 

“I have influences too, I can protect you.” He thinks he can, he’s got the money to pay people to get rid of their problems. But, does he have the heart to do it? He’s played Mr. Perfect all his life. 

“What about my children? They have my children, I can’t let them go back to India without me. I will never see them again.” Yeah, he didn’t think of that. 

Out of options or thinking of a way out where everyone will win, he pulls Kushi closer, until she takes a deep breath and rests her head on his shoulder—clinging to him desperately. 

“I don’t know where my children are, I’m losing my mind Bella. You have to help me please.” 

His eyes are on her again, head spinning as he struggles to digest the terrible news. 

“I will get your kids back, first we need to get you to safety before they get here.” 

Kushi’s body fails her, all the energy leaving her body. Limply she falls into Hlabela’s arms.

Holding her against him, Hlabela tries to comfort her but is met with more shivers and weak cries like that of a suffering animal. 

“I can’t lose them, I can’t lose my children.” 

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