Chapter 90

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The homestead is crowded today, family has gathered to celebrate baba and Nandi’s union. The oldies signed at the magistrates this morning. Who would’ve thought they would follow the trend? And with the money my father has, he should’ve at least given Nandi a big wedding. 

These two became official two weeks back after their traditional wedding and had a ceremony to introduce her to the ancestors, she’s finally a Khanyile. It worries me that Dalisile has not signed the divorce papers, she’s hiding in Uganda and I know desperation will bring her back here one day. 

Nandi does not need stress, she’s been through enough. Baba better make sure she doesn’t shed a tear. 

It’s night time, and I haven’t seen Nala today. The preparations have kept her busy, I don’t understand why they didn’t hire catering. I’m on my way to look for her in the kitchen when Thobani comes running over to me. 

“Mathonga, look what uncle Funo got for me, cool right?” 

He holds up a yellow toy car, he’s obsessed with these. I’ve resorted to leaving him at home whenever I go to the grocery store. 

He wants to sponsor PnP with my money, I’m sure the owner is rich enough. Nala moved back with Thobani last month, she will be studying through Unisa and working part time. 

Moving back was her decision alone, she called me one day and said she was coming home. Amandla is around as well, she never left. She stays in her grandmother’s house but never misses a day here.  

She left early today, something happened that made her leave early. 

“That’s a nice car,” I whisk him up. 

Here comes Funokuhle, he’s never been the same since he watched his family’s massacre on national television. Sometimes I get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be here, maybe I’m exaggerating.  

“Thank you, but you don’t have to spoil him. He gets enough as it is.” I tell him.  

“I never enjoyed my childhood because my father thought I didn’t need toys,” touchy subject. 

His eyes water, how do I get away from this? I don’t know how to comfort a crying man. “He’s a child, he deserves everything in the world.” Funokuhle argues.

Okay… I see. 

“Come Thobani, your favourite show is about to start.” Funo.

I have to place the child down when he takes his hand, now I’m certain he hates all of us. He smiles at me and walks off with the Thobani, maybe I am exaggerating. 

“It will take time for him to heal,” Nala says behind me. Her eyes are trained on Funokuhle who is dragging Thobani toward the main house. 

“Sometimes I think he’s secretly planning our murder.” She laughs, it’s what she does, laugh at most things I say. 

“That’s ridiculous, Funo is hurt. He watched your brother slaughter his family.” 

Another touchy subject I’m not going to engage in. 

“Where have you been?” I wrap my arms around her. “I’ve been looking for you.” 

“Mathonga, people will talk.” She’s suddenly shy. 

“Were are a couple, everyone here knows that.” I put that out. 

There is no reason for her to be shy about it, my lips are all over her face. I love how her breath quickens, it takes less effort to have her melting in my arms. 

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