Chapter 19

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*Really! Now I must send you an email to communicate with you? Answer my calls Vukuzakhe.*

He woke up to this email from his wife, a throbbing headache and a sore shoulder. He thinks the wound is not so bad, going to the hospital would be dramatic of him. This is why he dressed the wound himself last night, after a shower.
It hurt holding Funokuhle in his arms, the pain on his shoulder would not leave him alone and that invited insomnia. He didn’t mind, it gave him an opportunity to watch the boy sleep and muse upon this crazy decision he’s made. Date to marry, perhaps.

Crazy thought I said.

Not only is the water cold, the house too feels cold this morning, there’s load shedding. He’s not sure what time Eskom decided to be ruthless, it was in the early hours of the morning though.
He’s ready to go out, an artless couture draped on his macho body. Jeans and a t-shirt. He’d be more comfortable in the clothes he has back home, the terrible ones Bongiwe hates.

"But this is Joburg, you can’t dress like you’re going to herd your father’s cows. Your image has to match the businessmen in this place." Bongiwe would say. He doesn’t care, they don’t pay his bills.

Funo is fast asleep, he thinks of waking him up to tell him that he’s heading out to a meeting. Then again, it would be too harsh of him. The man did say last night that he was tired.
His car keys, wallet, and cell phone are in his hand as he diverts toward the bedroom exit.

“Morning.” An incoherent voice slithers his way, and stops him from taking another step. He turns to find the minion sitting up and wiping his fatigued face with the shirt on his body. Zakhe wants to chortle at the sight, he’s seen Ntabezikude do this, a habit of his since early childhood.

“Did I wake you?” He keeps his voice low. The young man shakes his head.

“There’s no electricity, you’ll have to eat cold food. I’ll bring something on my way home.” Home! He says it so casually, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“You’re going out?” A frown creases on Funo’s forehead, he didn’t think he’d be left alone considering a crazed man might be looking for him. Might is taking it too lightly, Pule has probably turned Joburg upside down.
“I have a meeting, I won’t be long.”
Worry clings on to Funo’s features, it’s gone in a flash. The intense eye contact that constantly feels too deep is broken as he blinks away from Zakhe’s deep-set eyes.
“He won’t find you here, Funokuhle.” He’s talking about Pule, it angers him how the teacher has drilled fear in this innocent young man.
Funo shrugs his skeletal shoulders, “I know.” Bravery is evident in his eyes.
Zakhe’s lips twitch with pride. He sits on the edge of the bed, grabs his hand and places a swift kiss on it.
“That’s my brave good boy.” Another kiss, it does nothing to make Funokuhle blush.
He’s staring back, facial appearance resembling a deer caught in headlights. His tongue slowly moves across his lower lip, leaving it wet. Zakhe observes him, carefully and unhurriedly. Watching every switch on his morning face, his stomach swirling like a whirlwind.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” Vukuzakhe croaks, his arm firmly circling Funo’s waist. The boy loses his breath for a millisecond as his bony chest collides with a gorilla-like chest. Zakhe’s eyes travel to the lips he’s so desperate to taste, the desire too strong. But he does not act on it.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Funo teases, gently pushing away from him. “Plus… I’m not a kid, you don’t have to baby me”
The declaration has Zakhe clearing his throat, bashfully, he rubs the back of his neck.
“Okay Mr. Not a kid. Call me if anything happens.” He stands ready to leave.
“I don’t have a phone,” he says it so quickly, giving Zakhe the impression that he does not want him to go.
“I won’t be long then, just don’t open the door for anyone.”
“I can take care of myself, don’t worry.” Perhaps he says this because he sees the worry on Zakhe’s face.
Nevertheless, this is something Vukuzakhe would like to hear, a strong willed Funokuhle who does not need rescuing. 
Hating goodbyes, Zakhe strides out of the bedroom without looking over at Funo. The sooner he’s out of here, the sooner he gets back.

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