Chapter 53

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“You’re leaving mzala?” Haibo! Since when does she ask me this question whenever I leave the house? I’m upset with her because Sono and I ended up doing all the chores while she opted to be a potato couch.
Why is she talking to me? I don’t answer her, another thing, I don’t want my mother to know where I have gone. I can’t trust radio Amafu, everything she touches does not turn into gold.
I fish for my phone in my handbag and pretend to be on a call, so she doesn’t have to repeat her question. A loud tongue click accompanies me as I step outside, she’ll be strong.
The blasting sun reminds me that my underwear and bath towel are still hanging on the washing line, I’ll probably be home late, so I need to take them. The neighbours have easy access to our yard, our fence is definitely neighbour friendly and due to that, I always make sure to take my things before sunset. 
Wait, there’s nothing on the washing line. I don’t recall taking them, there is no need to panic. I’m sure Sono must’ve taken them.

“Hey, have you seen my blue underwear? It was on the line.” Amafu side eyes me, and shrugs her shoulders. What does that mean?
“Amafu, I’m talking to you.” Why is she so childish?
“Now you want to talk to me?” She snaps, this girl is so rude.
“Can you not start please? I’m running late and I need to know if you were the one who took my things from the washing line.” I’m getting agitated, especially because she’s increasing the volume of the television.
“Why do you have to be like this, Amafu?” I yell, a waste of time. Feeling extremely upset, I gasp a bit of air in my lungs and try to remind myself that she is this person and nothing I say or do will change that.
“Fine, I’ll check when I come back.” These are my last words to her before I run to catch the Uber outside, Bahle requested one for me. He said something about being held up at work, we’re meeting at the restaurant. The ride is quiet, thank God. It’s not long before we arrive at the destination, the driver tells me the ride has been paid for. Well, free rides are nice. 


The Sishis are treating us well, Styles and his wife I mean. I thought we would be an inconvenience and crowd their space, but their house is big enough to accommodate us. We moved in about a week ago, two days after Bopha’s funeral.
Mathonga is taking things one step at a time, I wish him nothing but good will in life. It pains me though that he is not talking to his brother Ntabezikude, Vukuzakhe comes to visit quite a lot and spends hours with Mathonga, so much so that I end up feeling neglected and craving for his presence. I’m not complaining, Mathonga needs the time with his brothers.
Ndleleni is around as well, he booked a hotel room. Like Vukuzakhe, we see more of him around here.

“Baby get off, I need to make the bed.” I don’t remember when I adopted the baby endearment, it must also have everything to do with him acting like a big baby lately. He’s clingy, needy and demands attention. He would ask for my attention without shame.
“Nala, I feel lonely. Give me attention.” His words, while locking me in his arms.

“Mathonga get up, please.” I’m talking to myself here, this man is smiling, back against the headboard. Just when I think he will adhere to my command and move, he folds his hands behind his head and continues to stare at me with that smile.
“Mathonga!” I whine, pulling the blanket off him, he is testing my patience. He decided on it when he jumped on the bed after he came out of the shower and found me making the bed. It’s the child in him, I have been seeing a lot of it lately. I don’t know if it’s part of a defence mechanism, his way of coping with what’s happening in his life.
“I’m not moving.” A grin pulls at his lips, I shall mention again that he looks like a child when does he that.
“So will you stay in bed the whole day?” He nods, I give up. 11am is approaching, what will the people of the house say?
“Okay, let me make the bed, then you can lay on it after.” This is a good compromise, it should work.
“No I want you next to me.” That’s it, I’m having him adopted. He chooses not to see the condemning look I’m giving him as he shuffles to the side, making space for me. I’m starving, cuddling won’t put food in my stomach. 
“Stop being silly Mathonga, I’m hungry.” 
“Come.” He continues, extending his hand for me to take. How can I resist? I can’t help the smile on my face as I throw myself on the bed next to him, a strange feeling bursts into my stomach, only he could make me feel like this.
“Today I want to look at you, I won’t take my eyes off you.” He says, laying on his side to face me. His stare is intent, burns bridges and making me feel like a high schooler with a teenage crush. My only escape from the penetrating stare is to hide my face on his chest.

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