Chapter 41

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“Khethiwe, please prepare sugar water for Thethelela.”
Nandi speaks behind me, I don’t want to do anything for that Thethelela woman. Honestly, she intimidates me in the most challenging way, if there is such a thing. I can’t with her and how she is around Ntaba. I’m a woman, we see these things.
How she blushes when he walks into the room, how she doesn’t bother to call him out when he looks at her inappropriately. That flat ass bitch, and Ntaba— he does not see me.
To go to an extent of eyeing his uncle’s wife in front of me, he makes me feel like trash each time he does that. It hasn’t been two days since they arrived and Thethelela has stolen my spot in his life, it’s not my fault she is married to an old man. She needs to look in the mirror and take it up with herself.

“Khethiwe, did you hear what I said?” Nandi drags me back to her presence, I would roll my eyes at her if she were not kind and the chief’s… whatever she is to him.
“I heard you ma,” I reply, internally rolling my eyes at having to serve that witch Thethelela. I’m going to add salt, or maybe those pills that make your stomach run. That should keep her in the toilet for a while and away from Ntaba.

“Ntaba says the ceremony will continue when Mathonga gets home. He’s called one of the chief’s cousins, he will arrive in an hour’s time.” I would care about what is really happening if my thoughts were not centred around Ntaba.
“Okay, ma.”
Is all I can give her, I’m not in the best mood to engage in conversations. While Nandi is alive and kicking in the kitchen, touching this and that. I boil the stupid water, add the stupid sugar in a stupid white mug.

“Please check on Sneh on your way back, she’s also not feeling well.” Nandi.
I might as well wear a nurse’s uniform, those women should be able to take care of themselves. Haibo! I’m also suffering from a broken heart.
“Where is Thethelela, ma?” I only want to know if Ntaba is with her, I will turn into a dragon if he’s still with her. Sigh! A bloody toothless dragon, that spews smoke not fire. My life is a mess.
“In her room, I think.” She doesn’t disclose if Ntaba is with her, let me just go. A servant asking about the chief’s son would raise questions, I won’t be able to answer.

After pouring the water, I grab the mug and head out of the kitchen to find your highness. It is quiet outside, the guards are still here with their guns and menacing presence. I greet one walking past me and wish I hadn’t when he doesn’t return my salutation, I did say their presence is menacing. 
The room Thethelela shares with her husband is close to what was once Nala’s room, I can’t help but think of her as I pass by and wonder if she is okay wherever she is.

“Sis’ Thethelela.” I call out to her when no one answers to my knocking, I hope she’s sleeping. I am not in the mood to see her.
A couple of loud knocks later, I decide to leave. I’m not going to be chasing after a grown woman. Sneh will probably do with the water, she too is distressed.
I almost forgot about the aunt in a black dress. No one has seen her since the men were taken to the hospital, Nandi and I looked everywhere. The only evidence of her visit is the gift she brought for Mathonga, I saw Nandi tossing it in the fire a while back and didn’t bother asking. I’ve seen enough drama in this family. 
No words were exchanged between her and that woman, but I could sense some hostility between them. Must be because Nandi is playing house wife in her sister’s marital home.

“Please touch me,” that voice… 
The world pauses a minute when I realise it’s coming from Ntaba’s room, I was lost in my nonsensical thoughts that I didn’t see I was passing it.
My heart dives to my throat, Ntaba is with another woman in there. We’re not an item, I should not be doing what I’m about to do. Maybe I distaste my heart for controlling me and not letting me do my will, go where the heart leads you.
Is it always a good idea? Will it always take me to a place of peace and love?
My question is answered with a big no when I push the door open and die a thousand times at what my eyes are beholding. Thethelela is on top of Ntaba, naked as the day she came into this wold; curse it— grinding her hips back and forth.
The cup slips from my hand to the floor, the splattering pieces causes them to jump. Thethelela’s eyes are about to leave her head, she scampers off the man I love, runs to the bathroom, and shuts the door.

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