Chapter 55

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Nandi wakes up wrapped in warm arms, she’s naked under the sheets, body pressed against the man whose arms are around her. She yawns herself back to life, and looks up at him. Vumile always insists on cuddling, in the night she would slip away and lay on the far end of the bed. Her freedom would last for a few minutes before he senses she’s no longer in his embrace. He has panda tendencies and she doesn’t, it doesn’t mean that she loves him less. 
His eyes are closed, but she knows he’s half asleep and half awake, he probably feels her stare.
Last night they couldn’t resist it anymore, and gave in to lust. Vumile was in her room to apologise for his big mouth, and one thing led to another.

“I love you too.” Says Vumile with his eyes still closed, she knew he wasn’t in a deep sleep. Nandi’s morning face is replaced by a garish smile, her cheeks bunching up, almost reaching her eyes.  
“I don’t remember saying I loved you.”
“You don’t have to, I feel it.” Vumile says, reaching down to press a quick kiss on her forehead. His hands roam on her body, squeezing every squishable part.
Nandi stiffens, she understands that he loves her the way she is but being reminded that she has flabs here and there is not what she wants.

“Are you going to church today?” Nandi asks, to do away with the tension in the room.
“I’ll attend the first service, pastor Khuzwayo wants to have a word with Hlabela. The meeting will be held here.” He tells her, slowly rubbing her back. This, she can take. Sure there are bumps here and there, but it’s okay.
“Should I cook a meal or prepare finger foods?” The real house wife of Izingolweni.
“It will be a brief meeting, don’t strain yourself. Plus, we can’t have cooked food, I don’t want to give pastor Khuzwayo something to preach about next week.” His light chuckle is an auditory hug, it envelops Nandi and brings a smile to her face.
“You should get ready for church then, we don’t want to give pastor Khuzwayo something to preach about.” She leaves his arms, covering herself with a bed sheet. She’s staring into space, her back turned to him. Something is in her mind, she wants to ask, although she has the answers.  
“Do I have to keep myself hidden?” Lest pastor Khuzwayo comes wearing his holier than thou coat, yes.

A frown finds its way to Vumile’s face. He hates that he has to put Nandi through this, if he could he would do things differently. His silence answers her question, she leaves the bed to go prepare him a bath. His clothes are in his bedroom, she will have to go there and get them. They were ironed yesterday before 6pm, they are trying by all means to continue keeping the Sabbath day holy.

Zamangwane didn’t come home last night like she said she would, her bed is made and her room empty. These sleepovers are getting out of hand, the child is having her way around here.
In the kitchen, Nandi bumps into a girl wearing tight blue jeans and a crop top that only covers her boobs. The red lipstick painted on her lips is too bright to miss, she’s chewing chappies like she traded her numbers for it with the Pakistani tuckshop owner.
“Who are you?” Nandi asks, eyes dropping and picking the young girl. This is a royal house, people don’t dress like trash around here.
“My name is Zondiwe ma, I’m the new help. I was referred by Sis’Nandipha.” Sis’Nandipha is the lady in charge of the washing and ironing, Nandi remembers mentioning someone to take over Khethiwe’s spot. She meant a respectable girl, not a bad version of a black Barbie.
“We have boys around here, you shouldn’t be walking around dressed like that.” It’s too much really, Nandi is not happy whatsoever and she’s not hiding how she feels from her.
“I understand ma, I just got here from KwaMashu. I will change into something decent.” 
Like she has a choice.
“Did Nandipha tell you we keep the Sabbath here?” Zondiwe is confused, she pops her gum and quickly offers Nandi an apology.  
“Go back to Nandipha, she will fill you in.” Nandi tells her and walks away, she has a potential husband to tend to.  

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