Alvin and the outcasts

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The Rider's Dragons snap at each other while on Dragon Island. Sora is just curled up in a cave with a few terrible terrors napping on him, Toothless chastises them and then looks out across the sea toward Berk.

Hiccup There's an old Viking saying: "When your friends are roasting on the spit, you're the one who's feels the fire."

Ari: Mildew has made the entire village believe that dragons are too wild, that we all can't live together in peace.

Both: He's wrong, and we're going to prove it.

The Dragon Riders scour a beach on Berk looking for some implements Mildew used to frame the Dragons.

Snotlout: Arrrrrrgggh! We've been here for hours and we haven't found anything!

Hiccup: We've been here for ten minutes! And you've done nothing than build that! 'points at a sand castle'

Snotlout: That is Snotlout Manor. And all I need now is a queen. 'turns to Astrid'

Astrid: Ugh.

Tuffnut: Aaaarrrrrrrgggh! 'Stomps all over Snotlout's sand, driftwood, and stone castle'

Snotlout: What-What are you doing?!

Tuffnut: Storming the castle.

Hiccup: Come on, guys! I'm telling you, Mildew framed our dragons! I saw dragon feet in Mildew's House and I watched him throw them into the ocean.

Ari: don't forget I also punched mildew

Tuffnut: you did damn wish I could've seen that

Ruffnut: so was it the face or

Ari: yeah the face really hard and then I threatened him with my sword if he told anyone

Tuffnut: wicked

Fishlegs: Anyway I don't mean to be Norbert the Negative, but the ocean is really, really vast. And our chances at finding those dragon feet are as good as Snotlout and Astrid--

Astrid: Don't go there.

Fishlegs: Going nowhere.

Astrid: Look, Fishlegs is right. Even if Mildew did throw them in the ocean, they're not just gonna wash up on shore here.

Snotlout: I found it!

Hiccup: GREAT! Ehm... You were saying?

Ari: and




Snotlout: 'Picks up a tiny wooden bludgeon' I haven't seen this since I was a baby. 'hits himself on the helmet a couple times' You never forget your first bludgeon.

Hiccup: Just keep looking...

Ari: (ugh isn't going to do anything)

Scene shifts to the Blacksmith Shop where Stoick is hovering around Gobber. Gobber is trying to repair damaged weapons.

Gobber: One down, 345 to go.

Stoick: Can't you do that any faster? Until you restock our weapons, we're completely defenseless.

Gobber: Maybe you should have thought about that before sending the dragons away.

Stoick: You know I had no choice. They destroyed the Armory.

Gobber: This would be a bad time to get attacked.

Stoick: I know, Gobber.

Gobber: Not that there's ever a good time, but this would be particularly bad.

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