Sins of tbe past

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Heather is still with Johann and they are flying

Heather: Johann, I can't thank you enough for all you've done in helping me. First to find Dagur, and now my father. How can I ever repay you?

Johann: Ah, Miss Heather, payment is but a mere formality in the business transaction of life. Huh.

Heather: Well, I know how fanatical I've been. Ask my brother, not to mention I think I've been killing Ari with stress. But we are close. I can feel it. And if this Viking you met is telling the truth about Oswald being alive, it will have been worth every moment.

Johann: And every cent. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Whoa!

The land outside where the Viking is

With the others at berserker island Ari and Dagur look well conflicted

Hiccup: Dagur, Ari, Are you two okay?

Dagur: Huh? Me? Sure. Fine. Never been better. I mean, how often do you get to tell your sister that the father she's been maniacally looking for is dead? I'm just peachy.

Ari: Not to mention there's the whole thing of the fact that he was actually there the whole time and if I had seen that diary earlier I could've taken her to vanahiem and maybe Oswald would still be Alive I'm feeling great

Fishlegs: There is something to be said for closure. 'They all glare at him' Or maybe not.

Berserker Guard: Chief!

Dagur: I love it when they call me that. Ah, never gets old.

Berserker Guard: So good to have you back.

Dagur: And good to be back. Where's Heather? I have news for her.

Ari: yeah tell us where she is right now

Hiccup: settle down Ari

Ari: tch fine

Berserker Guard: You didn't hear? She left with Trader Johann for the Northern Markets. Apparently he found a man who says Oswald is alive.

They all looked shocked and then fly off

Beserker guard: Not quite the reaction I was expecting.

Fishlegs: Hiccup, Ari Johann and Heather are walking-

Hiccup: Into a trap. I know.

Ari: So why are we talking about it! We gotta go!

Dagur: Exactly! Let's go! Come on!

With Heather and Johann

Johann: This is unfortunately as far as I can go, Miss Heather. I am what is commonly referred to as persona non grata in this tavern. Reentering this Thor-forsaken place could be injurious to my health.

Heather: I understand, Johann. You've told me at least 15 times.

Johann: Never can be too careful. The man you are seeking is Harek. The name sounds much bigger than the man himself, although he's not of small stature by any means-

Heather: I got it, Johann. I'll find him.

Johann: Thor speed, Miss Heather. I shall be waiting for you where I stand, or at least within a few hundred yards, behind a cart to hide my skin. Hello? She's gone. Okay. Good.

In the building

Heather finds Harek

Harek: Nice to finally meet you, Heather. I've heard so much about you.

Heather: Is everything all right?

Harek: Yes. It's just- Well, the resemblance is remarkable.


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