A Gruff separation

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'Scene starts with Hiccup, flying on Toothless, spotting an unidentified ship headed towards Dragon's Edge. They land on the ship to find out to whom it belongs'

Hiccup: All right, either you come out, or we're coming in.

Hiccup opens the scuttle

But it's Ari grabbing Gruffnut who looks a little beaten up

Hiccup: Tuffnut?

Gruffnut: Uh, Gruffnut, actually. And, uh, could you get your brother to put me down?

Ari: I'm right here you know and I don't think I should

Hiccup: Ari please drop him

Ari: ugh fine

Ari tosses him too the ground and he lands with a thud

Gruffnut: oww.

Hiccup: Gruffnut, why are you coming to the Edge? What's the scam this time?

Gruffnut: Whoa, whoa, sorry about what happened last time, okay? I was in hot water with some dangerous Vik - 'Toothless and Sora growl' Oh, yeah! I mean, I've changed. My time on Dark Deep forced me to re-evaluate my entire life. I'm a whole new Nut, a better Nut, an honest, more trustworthy Nut. I even have a job. 'takes out a scroll'

Hiccup: That's the Thorston family seal.

'Gruffnut hands the scroll to him. Hiccup takes it'

Hiccup: What is this?

Gruffnut: It's a message for Cousin Ruffnut and Cousin Tuffnut. I got to give it to them immediately.

Hiccup: Hmm.

Ari: Hmm

'Scene changes to show Fishlegs and Meatlug setting up decorations for the twins' birthday party'

Fishlegs: And . . . perfect. Ta-da! What do you think?

Tuffnut: Fishlegs, this is our nineteenth-birthday soiree, okay? So that's the biggest, the best. It's gonna be the most incredible soiree in the history of Dragon's Edge! Odin will weep in the halls of Valhalla when he finds out he missed it. Not that we didn't invite the big guy.

Ruffnut: Yeah, these accouterments, although somewhat festive and moderately well conceptualized, are not in line with the epic barn burner we've envisioned.

Tuffnut: You need to go back, Fishlegs. Just go back to where this wasn't even something we were thinking about and then rethink your whole theme.

Fishlegs: The whole theme?

Ruffnut: The whole theme.

'Barf and Belch blow the decorations up'

Fishlegs: 'gasps' Oh! 'sighs' It's okay, girl. I thought your decorations were perfect. 'Meatlug lets out a low growl, as she is sad that their effort went to waste'

'Scene changes to show Snotlout sleeping on Hookfang just outside his hut as the twins walk up'

Tuffnut: Where are the meat pies? Where are the meat pies?!

Snotlout: 'awaken abruptly' Huh? Oh, yeah, I was gonna make them, but then I remembered that I don't care about your stupid party. Now go away. I'm sleepy.

Ruffnut: Ugh!

'Ruffnut pushes Snotlout off Hookfang'

Snotlout: Hey!

Tuffnut: You've been officially uninvited.

Snotlout: Like I wanted to go to your boring, pie-less banquet. Come on, Hookfang.

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