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Highly Requested by TsukuyomiMonarch

Ari is right now sitting inside his hut he's looking at his wristband which is now engraved with the words

You set my heart a blaze

Ari can't help but chuckle at the lame dragon pun but he likes it and he hopes Heather will too

Speaking of the devil and she will appear

Heather: what ya got there Ari

Ari frantically hides it

Ari: nothing! Nothing at all

Heather: oh really..

Ari: yes it's nothing

Heather: really nothing

Ari: yes

Heather places a finger under Ari's chin with a smirk on her lips: We are betrothed now you are shouldn't be hiding anything from me so considering you are, you owe me a date

Ari: deal

Heather: good now come on

She grabs him by the arm and pulls him out of his hut

Ari: wait now?

Heather: yup now?

Ari: so where are we going

Heather: I'll tell you if you tell me what that thing was

Ari: I can't do that

Heather: then I won't tell you

Ari: oh come on

Heather: you started it

Ari grumbles

Heather: oh shut up you'll love it

Ari: alright

Heather: that's the spirit now follow me and windshear

They get on their dragons and fly off

They fly for a while then

Heather: alright Ari it's that island

They land

Ari: wow this island is amazing

Heather: now take a guess why I brought you here

Ari: (wait what part of the year is it wait is it) is this the day we first met

Heather: bingo! What better day to spend together then on the day we first met

Ari: you are right I love it

Heather gets close too Ari and whispers in his ear

Heather: you'll love it even more later that's for sure 'she then pulls back' a,right but first we gotta prepare dinner since it's getting late and then we'll do gifts after

Slicing through the sky- how to train you dragon x male oc Where stories live. Discover now