What flies beneath and what rules the land

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[A yak disappears in a cloud of dirt, followed by several sheep. Ominous cracks appear suddenly appear in the ground.]

Another yak the gets picked up by a couple of huge claws

Hiccup: Everybody has a past. Even dragons.

Ari: And sometimes, the past can come back to haunt them.

[Toothless growls at the ground while Hiccup sleeps.]

Hiccup: Ugh, Toothless, go back to sleep.

With Ari

Sora's one eye opens and he growls

Ari: What is it Sora

Hiccup: And when it does, you're gonna need to be there for them.

Toothless sniffs and then growls angrily at the hole.

Hiccup: Whoa, hey! Come on, it's just a hole, bud.

Bucket: It's not just a hole! It's like an underground village!

Mulch: Bucket! There you are. I've been lookin' for you all night!

Bucket: Sorry, Mulch. But I think I finally found it: My happy place!

Bucket is thrown out of the hole in a cloud of dust.

Stoick: Are you alright, Bucket?

Bucket: Not so happy anymore.

Stoick: What happened?

Bucket: Something pushed me out! Something's down there. Something big!

Toothless growls and jumps down the hole.

Astrid: What is that sound?

Gobber: Eh, whatever it is, it's giving me the willies.

Whispering Death shoots out of the hole and hovers over the Vikings.

Snotlout: Whoooooaaaaa, look at the size of that thing!

Fishlegs: Do I have to?!

Astrid: Dragons! Everyone!

Ari: Yeah roger that

The gang all jump on their dragons

The whisper death looks around

Snotlout: Uh, I don't like the way it's eyeballing me.

Fishlegs: Uh, don't worry, it's not just you.

Snotlout: Thanks, big relief!

The Whispering Death dives back into the ground.

Astrid: What... was... that?

Tuffnut: Whatever it was, I want one!

Fishlegs: If I had to take a guess, I'd say that was a Whispering Death.

Tuffnut: Whoa, great name. So much better than Zippleback.

Bucket: Where'd it go? Why's it here? What's it gonna do to us?! WHY AREN'T YOU SLAPPING ME TO SNAP ME OUT OF THIS?!

Mulch: Because I'm scared, too, Bucket.

The Whispering Death bursts from the ground making a fresh hole.

Gobber: Ah, it looks angry. Why don't you do that think where you touch its nose and feed it grass?

Hiccup: Okaaaay! Uh, Fishlegs, what do we know about the Whispering Death?

Fishlegs: Boulder Class; Razor sharp teeth, incredibly strong, hunts from underground.

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