Breakneck bog

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Hiccup (v.o.): Everybody has lost something they thought they couldn't live without. Sometimes to find it again you have to be willing to do anything.

Ari: Even look fear right in the eye. Just make sure you don't blink.

Hiccup, Ari, stoick and gobber are flying

Stoick: Where is he? He's been late before, but never this late...

Gobber: Are you sure Trader Johann even has it?

Stoick: I'm sure! I heard from Jorgenson, who heard from Stevenson the Shepherd, who talked to Toldstad the Fisherman, who said he saw Johann put it on his boat himself.

Gobber: Well, it doesn't get anymore sure than that.

Ari: (I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not)

Hiccup: You know, it might help if I actually knew what we are looking for.

Stoick: We're looking for Johann. That's all you need to know.

They speed up and then land back on berk

Gobber: Not to worry, old friend. It'll arrive safely and in good time.

Hiccup: Come on, bud. You and me are going on a little field trip.

Ari: As long as you bring us along

Hiccup: fine

Back in the arena

They are packing up

Hiccup: Okey dokey. We'll start in the west islands and work our way back.

Ari: yeah good plan

Astrid flies in

Astrid: Back from where?

Hiccup: Ah, jus-just a quick spin around the island.

Astrid: Uh-huh. Quick spin, huh? With Ari and enough food to feed Snotlout's whole family?

Snotlout: Did I hear my name? Oooh! Do I see a salmon?

He grabs the food and eats it

Hiccup: Uh... Alright. Look. If you must know...

Astrid: And we must...

Ari: of course you must

Snotlout: Hmmm, hmmm.

Hiccup: I'm going to do something for my father. Okay. Okay. Trader Johann is bringing something for him, something important and he should have been here by now.

Snotlout: You're not trading this fish, are you? Because it's delicious! 'Hookfang eats it' Hey!

He snaps his fingers and Hookfang shares

Astrid: When do we leave?

Hiccup: We need to go alone. Just us too believe me I wanted to go by myself, If we all disappear, my dad will get suspicious.

Snotlout: Go alone? You without us? Ha, ha! Like you could handle anything if we weren't there to bail you 'he starts choking on the bone'-- ugh... Help! Out...

Astrid punches him and the bone flies out of his mouth and Sora catches it and starts chewing on it

Hiccup: Alright, fine... You two can come, but that's it. Don't even tell the others. Heed my warning. I am serious.

Later the riders are all there hiccup looks annoyed

Tuffnut: Hey, Hiccup, Snotlout told us there'll be salmon. And I love lox.

Hiccup: I'm pretty sure I said "Don't tell the others".

Snotlout: And I'm pretty sure I didn't listen to you.

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