We are family part 2

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[Flashback to We are Family part one]

Stoick: Bork week has begun.

Gobber: Everything Bork wrote is in these notes.

Hiccup: This is an island... filled with Night Furies.

Snotlout: To find this island, we have to find Bork's cave?

Hiccup: It's a map... to the Isle of Night! Bork was right. Go get him, Toothless! Toothless... no!

Mildew: You believed our Bork notes. You followed the map we drew. You walked right into our trap.

Alvin: We're headed home... to Outcast Island!

[Flashback ends]

Scene begins with Alvin and Savage taking Hiccup into the dungeon

Hiccup: Where's my dragon, Alvin? Where's Toothless?

Alvin: You'll see him soon enough. Don't you worry.

Hiccup: You know, I have to admit... luring me and Toothless to the Isle of Night, building a fake Night Fury... not bad.

Alvin: Ha ha! "Not bad..." says the one-legged boy in manacles.

Hiccup: But turning Mildew into an Outcast? Using him against us? Come on, Alvin. That's low-hanging fruit... even for you.

Savage: No one thinks you're funny, boy. Now, keep movin'!

They stop at a cage that has a Wispering Death in it. It roars and burrows under the ground.

Hiccup: You know it's gonna keep doing that, right? It is a Whispering Death.

Savage shoves Hiccup away. A Scauldron is drinking out of a trough in the next cage. It looks up and shoots boiling water at a guard.

Hiccup: A Scauldron... impressive. You might wanna cut back its water.

Alvin: Oi, write that down.

Outcast guards run to a seamingly empty cage.

Guard: It's escaped again!

Hiccup: Actually, no. It's right behind you. Changewing. 'Changewing fires acid, and they duck' Whoo! Wow, you guys really don't have a handle on these dragons, do you?

Alvin: Well, that's why you're here. Welcome to your new job, Hiccup.

Hiccup: A job? Me? As inviting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass.

Alvin: Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup... Why do you have to make things so difficult?

Hiccup: Really not the first time I've been asked that question. Toothless! 'Shows Toothless in a cage, chained up and muzzled. Hearing him, Toothless begins thrashing against the chains and snarling' H-Hang in there, bud. I'll get you out.

Alvin: He's not going anywhere. Neither are you. You will help me train these dragons.

Hiccup: And if I don't?

Alvin: Well... then they're no good to me. None of 'em! Especially yours.

Savage takes Hiccup to his cell

Savage: Can I get you anything... food, a cozy blanket, some warm yak milk? 'He shoves Hiccup inside, and slams the door' Ha ha ha! Yak milk! 'laughing'

Cuts to Stoick, Gobber, Ari and the other Dragon Riders flying at night.

Fishlegs: The Isle of Night! Finally, the chance to see Night Furies in their natural habitat! I'm bursting at the seams!

Snotlout: Don't wet yourself. I'm right behind you.

Stoick: Gobber and I will check the North side. You kids head south. If we find anything, you'll hear it from Thornado.

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