Grimmel and Lyall

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"Scene cuts to a bay full of ships and an armored island. Grimmel's airship is flying towards island and lands on it'

Dragon Trapper: Archers!

'He steps off of his airship and walks to the dragon fighting arena where dragons are controlled using cages and chains. Grimmel and his Deathgrippers walk in amongst the cages and to the Warlords'

Dragon Trapper: Deathgrippers.

Ivar: The Dragon Riders attacked us here...

'Ivar places a wooden boat on a map'

Ivar: ...Off the eastern strait.

'Ragnar the Rock starts playing with another wooden boat and makes it "crash" into Ivar's boat.'

Ragnar the Rock: Nnneeaoowww, BOOM.

Chaghatai Khan: Ragnar!

Ragnar: Um, sorry.

Grimmel the Grisly: My dear warlords. How go your plans to go conquer the world?

'Grimmel pulls his hood down.'

Ragnar: Ha-ha-ha! Grimmel, my old friend. Thank you for coming. Where's Lyall

A strong look red haired warrior lands on a mighty blue rathalos

Lyall: Right here!

Lyall: Hopefully we have something good to talk about

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Lyall: Hopefully we have something good to talk about

"One of Grimmel's Deathgrippers attacks and pins Ragnar down because he is getting too close to Grimmel'

Ragnar: Oh-ah!

Grimmel: A year since Drago's defeat, and no further along with your dragon army, I see.

Griselda the Grevious: You can thank the young chief of Berk for that.

Lyall: There's also his rathalos riding brother he's been a pain in our side as well

Grimmel: Stoick's boys?

'Ragnar is still pinned down by the Deathgripper and speaks while the Deathgripper is dribbling on him'

Ragnar: Yup! He and his peace-loving Dragon Riders continue to raid our ships and steal our dragons.

Grimmel: Mmm. That does sound like a nuisance. But I'm in the business of killing dragons, not retrieving them.

'Grimmel walks away from the Warlords. However, Ragnar jumps up and tries to reason with Grimmel'

Ragnar: Huh? But, Grimmel...

Grimmel: That idiot boy has done all of the work for you, gathering the dragons in one place. Why bother me?

Chaghatai: Because the flock is protected by a Night Fury.

'Grimmel stops in shock'

Grimmel: Not possible.

Chaghatai: Hah, well, it seems one slipped through your fingers.

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