View of a skrill part 1

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(Scene starts with Astrid, Hiccup, Ari and Snotlout flying on a dark, cloudy day looking for Bucket and Mulch)

Astrid: We're getting pretty far North.

Hiccup: Bucket and Mulch are two days overdue. We need to keep searching.

Astrid: You don't really think they're up here, do you?

Snotlout: You can't take the cold, huh, Astrid?

Astrid: No, I just don't have a heated seat like you do.

Snotlout: That's right. You don't. 'Chuckles and commands Hookfang to fire up' Ah, toasty.

Ari: would you two shut up I hear something

Shouting is heard and Hiccup spots a floating iceberg

Hiccup: Looks like they're in trouble. Come on, bud.

Scene changes to show Bucket and Mulch preparing to be boarded and attacked by a Berserker ship

Vorg: Berserkers, commandeer this vessel for Dagur the Deranged.

Berserkers drop a gangplank and board Bucket and Mulch's ship

Mulch: Slimy, stinky eel, meet slimy, stinky marauder. 'Bucket and Mulch quickly take care of the boarders but knocking them into the ocean. Mulch jumps up and down on the last boarder and Bucket sits on him' Take that, you - 'Last boarder falls unconscious'

The Berserker's that stayed on their ship all pull out crossbows and point them at Bucket and Mulch]

Vorg: Surrender or - 'Stormfly's spines fly at them causing them to duck

Hiccup: Nice shooting, Astrid. Snotlout, Ari light 'em up.

Snotlout: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Ari: let's do this

Hookfang dives and burns the plank


Sora flies in and sends a blast of wind at the sails which causes it too sail back violently

Hiccup: Okay, bud. It's our turn.

Toothless fires at the ocean in between the vessels causing them to drift apart

Vorg: Retreat. Retreat.

Scene changes to show the Riders on Bucket and Mulch's ship while the dragons are left on guard

Hiccup: What happened here?

Mulch: Well, we thought the Berserkers had hit an iceberg, an-and so we came into help. 'Chuckles' They attacked us. Because we saw "it."

Astrid/Ari/Hiccup: It?

Mulch: It!

Mulch walks them over and points at a block of ice, surrounded by ice picks and axes, that holds a weird dragon inside

Hiccup: That looks like a - 'Hiccup rubs the condensation off the ice' dragon.

Astrid: Why would Berserkers be trying to dig it out?

Hiccup: No idea. But I'm going to find out.

Ari: (this dragon looks familiar)

Snotlout: Oh, great. Now we have to dig it out?

Hiccup: Actually, I have a much better idea. 'Looks over at Toothless who is wallowing on the ice. Skips to show the Riders flying off with the frozen Skrill while Bucket and Mulch wave from their ship'

(Scene changes to show the frozen Skrill in the Dragon Academy while the Riders try to figure out what to do with it)

Snotlout: I say we smash it.

Slicing through the sky- how to train you dragon x male oc Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon