In plain sight

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Scene starts with Johann, Krogan, and Viggo, gathtered in a room, looking a what the Dragon Eye lens they took from Heather 

Johann: Ah! This cannot be! 'Shows a blank map except for the five dragon classes' Where is my King of Dragons?

Krogan: Perhaps the stories were wrong. We should consider the possibility that no King of Dragons exists.

Kane: Everyone stop shouting it looks obvious too me right viggo

Viggo: Exactly Kane it seems he's the only one of you see what is plainly in front of them? Your King of Dragons is right here. Or at least he will be. These lenses represent the five dragon classes. Alone, they mean nothing. But together, they may reveal the answer we seek.

Krogan: I will dispatch my Dragon Flyers immediately. We will scour every island for these lenses.

Viggo: Efficient as always, Krogan.

Krogan: You have a better idea?

Johann stops their argument by throwing daggers in front of them and into the wall behind them

Johann: Krogan, send your Flyers. I see no harm in a quick reconnaissance mission. And, Viggo, you suggest a different path?

Viggo: A more prudent path. Do we not know a certain individual with an entire stockpile of lenses he's not presently using?

Johann: Yes. We do. And I believe there is a way to persuade our old friend Hiccup to deliver them to us straight away.

Kane: Hmm I like this plan Now I'm going to see if I can find more lenses

Scene changes to Dragon's Edge where the Riders and Dagur watch as Heather leaves with Ari and Astrid for Vanaheim

"Yup I'm doing this episode because it's important but Ari will not be involved at least not that much"

Fishlegs: I can't believe Dagur's not going with Heather to Vanaheim.

Hiccup: Heather wanted to say goodbye to her father alone and because Ari is stubborn he's going with her she'll need the moral support

Fishlegs: She is his betrothed

Tuffnut: You know what I can't believe? If you flip a yak upside down, it can right itself almost immediately.

Snotlout: Wha?

Tuffnut: And, you know, also that we never noticed Heather had a Dragon Eye lens smack-dab in the middle of her belt!

Dagur: Too bad you don't still have the Dragon Eye. At least then, we could look at the other lens.

Hiccup: Other lens?

Dagur: Well Dad gave us both lenses when we were kids. I use mine to look at stuff or to start fires with the sun.

Hiccup: Do you still have it?

Dagur: No. But, I know who does. Anyway, what does it matter? It's not like you have another Dragon Eye laying around. 'Scene changes to the Clubhouse where Hiccup is showing Dagur the Dragon Eye Two' You have another Dragon Eye laying around. Of course he does.

Hiccup: I call it the Dragon Eye Two.

Ruffnut: Oh, Dragon Eye Two. That is some weak sauce right there. We're gonna give you a CBB on that.

Hiccup: Uh, I'm sorry, CBB?

Tuffnut: Contrived by a bonehead. It's a technical term. Let me pitch one more before you leave. The Thorston-Thorston. [Hiccup sighs] Ain't nothing wrong with double Thorstons. Am I right, sis?

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