Searching for oswald and chicken

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Skipping Snuffnut because while the twin focused episodes are enjoyable snuffnut was weird and Ari wouldn't be doing anything

Now the scene begins with dagur and Heather in a really bad situation it's a collapsing cave

Dagur: On your left! And your right! And, well, everywhere!

Heather: Faster, Windshear!

They get out of the cave and are safe again

Heather: I'm not sure where we went wrong.

Dagur: I'll tell you where we went wrong. We followed another clue from dear old Dad's diary of death, and it led us into a trap. What a shock.

Heather: We're close, Dagur. I can feel it. We have to keep looking for him. Oswald wouldn't have given up on us.

Dagur: The only thing we're getting close to is Valhalla! You're trying to find "clues" in what is mostly meaningless gibberish. And trust me, as someone who's spent most of their life in varying states of existential crises, I know the meaning of meaningless!

Heather: I'm heading home. You do what you want, but I'm not stopping until I find our father.

Dagur: Please don't get killed, Heather. I like having a sister. Plus last thing I want too do is tell Ari that his betrothed is dead

Heathers eyes widen a little she then flies off

Turns out when dagur hugged her he stole the diary

Now cut too dragons edge the twins seem too be taking everything out of their hut

Astrid: Are you spring cleaning?

Snotlout: Finally getting the mold out of your hut?

Ruffnut: Oh, if we were spring cleaning, you'd know. We'd be getting rid of this stuff and our hut.

She knocks a statue off the edge

Ari: fair enough

Tuffnut: I won't leave a single stone unturned, not a corner unscoured, not a rotisserie unrotated until my little egg-laying ingenue is found!

Ruffnut: Chicken's missing again.

Ari: of course

Snotlout: Ooh. Mystery. Intrigue. Hahaha I love it.

Astrid: Maybe she just needed some alone time, Tuff.

Tuffnut: Chicken hates alone time, unless it's with me. Besides, she's been acting strange lately. She keeps disappearing, she's tired all the time, and she didn't show up to book club this week. She never misses book club, especially when we're reading chick lit. Get it? Chick. Lit.

Astrid: Maybe Chicken just flew the coop?

Ari facepalms and groans in annoyance

Tuffnut cries: Oh, no! Really, Astrid? Terrible chicken puns at a time like this? You are better than that.

Snotlout: But had Chicken really flown the coop, or was there something more sinister going on? Only time would tell. Or would it? Ooh.

Ari; Hey brother it's been awhile

Dagur: brother! Just the man I wanted too see well you and hiccup

Ari: where's Heather

Dagur: yeah that's what I wanted to talk to you about

Snotlout: Dagster!

Dagur pins snotlout against a cage

Dagur: You know I hate nicknames, Snothat.

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