Cast out part 2

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Hiccup: Previously on Dragons...

Snotlout: Whoa! Screaming Death!

Stoick: Alvin the Treacherous, you will be remanded to our jail until a proper sentence can be handed down.

Hiccup: Dagur put Dragon Root in the arena, so the dragons will attack each other.

Hiccup: What do you want?

Dagur: The Night Fury.

Stoick: Gaah!


Stoick! [grunts]

Hiccup: Dad!

Dagur: Nobody make a move.

Ari: Tch!

Dagur: We'll be leaving now.

Hiccup: Don't worry, Dad. We're gonna get you back.

Ari: No matter what it takes.

On beserker island stoick is being kept in the arena

Dagur: Hmm. I trust you're finding your accommodations adequate? Gosh, those ropes look awfully tight.

ropes tighten

Dagur: Don't go getting too cozy, Stoick. Look at it this way. By sundown tomorrow, you'll either be back on Berk or at the bottom of the ocean. It's really up to Hiccup. and Ari of course Oof, wow, can't feel too good about that. Savage, deliver this ultimatum to Berk.

At Berk

Hiccup, Ari an Astrid walk into the great hall

people are shouting

Ruffnut: We want answers!, Tell us the truth!

Tuffnut: Yeah!

Ruffnut: Come on, enough of this!

Hiccup: What is going on?

Tuffnut: I have no idea why, but everyone's shouting, and I am totally into that!

Ruffnut: We're so angry!

Tuffnut: Everybody shake your fists! Now look to the sky!

all shouting and raising their fists

Ari: Really not helping, Tuff.

Gobber: Everyone settle down. Hiccup will answer all your questions.

Snotlout: Why him?

Gobber: He's the acting chief. That's why. They're all yours.

Hiccup: Right.

Viking: What are we gonna do?

Viking: Where's Stoick?

Tuffnut: When can we start yelling again?

They start yelling again

Hiccup: Good questions. Mostly.

Hiccup: Um, as you all know, Berk is no stranger to hard times.

Hiccup: But the best thing is to...

Vikings: Take arms!, Man the catapults!

Snotlout: Why don't you step aside and watch a real chief in action, Hookfang?

Snotlout snaps and Hookfang lights on fire getting the Vikings to shut 

Snotlout: That's better. Now, here's how it's gonna go.

He turns around and beryone can see that his butt is on fire

Tuffnut: 'chuckles' You are on fire, Snotlout.

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