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Hiccup and the Riders are flying in the clouds

Hiccup (v.o.): They say two heads are better than one; which is often true, but four heads? Eh, that's a few heads too many.

Ruffnut: How are we supposed to see up here?

Hiccup: You're not. That's the whole point.

Tuffnut: Oh. No, I still don't get it.

Hiccup: When you two can't see, you have to trust Barf and Belch to see for you. Like this.

Hiccup flies into the clouds

Tuffnut: Why does he always have to speak in RIDDLES?!

Ruffnut: I say we trust us.

Tuffnut: Yeah, I'm with you, sister!

Ruffnut: Barf, up!

Tuffnut: Belch, down!

They start spinning out, they hit fishlegs and the three riders land in a teee

Tuffnut: Belch, get me down!

Ruffnut: Barf, go for help!

The dragons start spinning out again

That's when fishlegs starts whistling and doing hand signals and it calls meatlug over and meatlug grabbed ruff and tuff

Fishlegs: It worked! I can't believe it actually worked!

Fishlegs: Whoa!

Fishlegs falls out of the tree and toothless grabs him

Hiccup: What was that hand thing you were doing?

Fishlegs: If you must know, I have been crafting some rudimentary hand signals for Meatlug just in case we get separated, and they seem to have been well-received.

Hiccup: Hmm. Hand signals. That's incredible, Fishlegs!

Fishlegs: Yeah, I know!

Hiccup: We need to start working on those right away.

Ari: Yeah I'm up for that

Later in the arena they are doing just that 

Hiccup: Toothless, battle ready!

Hiccup: Toothless, plasma blast!

Hiccup: Good job, bud! Smile.

Astrid sees this

Astrid: Not bad. Stormfly, spine shot! Well, that's better than last time.

Snotlout: Hookfang, annihilate! Whoa!

Hookfang blows fire and it sends snotlout flying into a wooden thing

Tuffnut: Bull's-eye.

Fishlegs: Meatlug, hug!

Meatlug tackles fishlegs

Hiccup: Hmm, that could actually be useful. Ari your up

Ari: Sora savage fire ball

Ari makes a hand signal of him doing clicking and pointing the the direction to fire

Sora does just that

Ari: Great!. Now Sora! Flare up

He raises his hands to the sky

Sora gets overhead in the fiery aura

Hiccup: nice!,mRuff, Tuff, your turn.

Ruffnut: Barf, go.

Tuffnut: Belch, come.

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