last auction heores

212 7 1

In the clubhouse hiccup is going over the map of the auction

Hiccup: I see Terrible Terrors and a few crates of Fireworms. But where are they hiding all the big dragons? Extra ships on the perimeter. Guards everywhere. Catapults and watchtowers on the cliffs. Dragon Root arrow launchers on every sea stack within a half mile. There's no way in or out. Period.

Tuffnut: Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup, think positive.

Hiccup: And how do you suggest I do that?

Tuffnut: Rapid-fire. Mug, half-empty or half-full?

Hiccup: Definitely empty.

Ruffnut: Don't waste your time.

Hiccup: It is, however, the perfect opportunity to put a big dent in Viggo's dragon trade.

Astrid: But how?

Fishlegs: Astrid, I'm sure Hiccup has an idea. You do have an idea, right?

Ari: he always has an idea just depends on what it is?

Snotlout: Let me guess. Cruise right into the place and announce ourselves.

Hiccup: You know, I think we need someone to get close to Viggo. Keep him busy while we find the rest of those dragons. Now, it has to be someone Viggo wouldn't suspect, because he's never seen him up close.

Snotlout: Hmm.

They see snotlout pick his nose and Hookfang licks it off

Astrid: You've got to be kidding me.

Ari: you've had some stupid and crazy ideas hiccup but now this is stupid

Hiccup: Wait, no, he's the only one who was never captured by Viggo or Ryker. He's the only one they don't know.

Fishlegs: He's the only one who's clueless enough to actually pull it off.

Snotlout: Ha. Sounds like a real winner, Hookfang. Right? I'd hate to be caught dead with that guy. Wait, what?

Johann: I hate to be the bearer of most unfortunate news, Master Hiccup. Unless you are hiding a pile of gold in the crevices of your tunic, you won't see the dragons, let alone bid on them.

Ari sees the look in hiccup's eyes

Ari: You know your ideas too day are making me feel exhausted

At berk

Stoick: hahahaha Oh, sure. Yeah. Take Berk's entire cache of gold.

Gobber: hahahaha Here, take it all. Not funny, Hiccup.

Stoick: If you weren't my son, I'd lock you up right now. You have no idea what you're suggesting, Hiccup.

Ari: believe me..I didn't even want to ask him at first but considering the enemy we could potentially take down today it might just be worth it

Hiccup: Viggo Grimborn is the most ruthless Viking we've come in contact with. If we don't do something to disrupt this auction, Viggo will make so much gold, he'll be able to buy an armada of dragon-hunting ships and reinforce his empire. No dragon will be safe, and eventually, he will set his sights on Berk. And on our dragons.

Stoick: Well?

Hiccup: "Well" what?

Stoick: Well, son, I'm assuming you didn't fly all the way here without a plan.

Ari: yes that's the interesting part (and the part he's going to disagree with)

Stoick: Hmm. A special envoy, you say?

Slicing through the sky- how to train you dragon x male oc Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora