Matter of perspective

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The scene begins with Ari at the edge just looking into the distance

Ari: Do you really have to go

Heather: believe me I wish I didn't but I have too find my father

Ari: Ok just don't go dying ok promise

Heather: I promise

They share a quick kiss before Heather flies off leaving Ari there

Flashback over

Ari sighs that's when a terrible terror lands on his shoulder

Ari: Hey little guy what have you got for me today

He opens it too see is from mala

Ari jumps down and runs too hiccups but too see him and Astrid arguing about hiccup's secret project

Ari: Alright whatever you two are arguing about can wait, My sister called for us

Later at defenders of the wing island

Mala: We're so glad you all were able to attend our Changing of the Guard celebration. It wouldn't be the same without you especially you Raven.

Ari: wouldn't miss it for the world Mala

The twins are writing in a book

Ruffnut: Changing of the Guard celebration.

Tuffnut: Interesting. Now, how often does this guard changing occur? Hmm?

Throk: Once the Eruptodon is unable to fulfill its duties, it leaves us to live out its golden years on Vanaheim.

Tuffnut: Ah. Vana-what?

Throk: Vanaheim. It will be its final resting place. This Great Protector has honored us with its presence for four decades.

The twins are confused

Fishlegs: Come on. Forty years.

Tuffnut: He must have some serious vacation time coming.

Ruffnut: Especially when you consider that most Vikings don't live that long.

Fishlegs: What are you two up to?

Tuffnut: Nothing.

Astrid: More secrets. 'Astrid hits hiccup in the shoulder' Great.

Ari chuckles

Hiccup looks at him annoyed Ari just smirks back

Snotlout: No secrets here 'he snatches the book'. "How to do the great beyond on ten gold pieces a day"?

Tuffnut: It's a Viking travel guide. Just take that in.

Hiccup: The Vanaheim legend, it's the mythical last resting place of all dragons.

Ari: incredible I didn't even know it existed

Mala: Vanaheim is very real. It's been part of our culture for centuries.

Hiccup: So you've seen it?

Mala: By the Ancients, no!

Snotlout: Umm. Not to burst your bubble, but you gotta see it for it to be real.

Mala: We have had no way to follow it.

Tuffnut: Not unt- 'whispering' Not until now.

Mala: And nor would we. There are certain corners of the animal kingdom where humans mustn't tread.

Hiccup: Well, I couldn't agree more, Mala. We have to stay away from dragon culture that pure and undisturbed. 'He eyeballs the twins'

Tuffnut: Is he eyeballing us?

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