Edge of disaster part 1

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Ari flies in and sees hiccup and Astrid arguing about dummies

Ari yawns: what's going on now

Astrid: the twins left two dummies in their place to guard this entire base

Ari: did you make the joke?

Hiccup: yeah I did

Ari: fine 'sighs' yeah this is annoying imagine what would've happened if the dragon hunters tried to invade

Astird: Exactly! Hiccup, We built that watchtower so that-

Hiccup: I know why we built it, Astrid.

Astrid: I just don't understand how this isn't making you completely insane.

Hiccup: Because, then there'd be two crazy people in this conversation and we probably wouldn't resolve anything.

Astrid: 'shocked' Are you saying I'm-

Hiccup: Astrid, let me talk to the twins. I'll get their side of the story, then we can figure out what we need to do.

Ari: I bet that's going to go really well

Astrid: yeah well, I guess it's a start. 'The twins arrive' Well, if it isn't our crack security team now.

Tuffnut: Oh! Please, please, there's no need to shower us with accolades.

Astrid: Tuff, you left two dummies to protect this entire base. What were you thinking?

A terror arrives

Hiccup: Terror Mail. Hm.

Tuffnut: "Dummies," you say?

Ruffnut: She does. Poor confused thing.

Tuffnut: What you failed to realize in your foggy morning state, is that those are not dummies. They are scareships.

Astrid: Scareships? You're serious?

Ari: ugh seriously

Ruffnut: You didn't see any ships near the island, did you?

Tuffnut: I think not. And why? They were appropriately scared away. By the appropriately named "scareships".

Astrid: Are you following any of this?

Ari: no

Hiccup: yeah Not super closely. I'm actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble.

Astrid: You are not leaving me and Ari with these two muttonheads.

Tuffnut: She knows we're standing right here, right?

Hiccup: Look, Johann is surrounded by Dragon Hunters, and his ship is taking on water. We have to get out there and help him.

Ari: seriously well why can't we help

Astrid: yeah, let me saddle up Stormfly, I'll be there in-

Hiccup: Astrid, Ari you two need stay here and hold down the Edge. And make sure nothing happens to the Dragon Eye.

Astrid: I can't believe what's happening. This actually may be the worst day in history.

Ari: I wouldn't go that far but it's definitely not great

Hiccup: Astrid, Ari, Snotlout and I have the only working dragon armor, and Meatlug is immune to the Dragon Hunters' arrows.

Fishlegs: You hear that, girl? Who's a special dragon? Meatlug is, that's who.

Hiccup: It just makes sense for us to be the ones to go.

Astrid: Hiccup, please! For all that is sacred in Thor's world, you cannot leave us alone with these two-

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