Maces and talons part 2

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Scene begins with Hiccup talking to Ari and Astrid on Viggo's ship. Hiccup is talking in frustration.

Hiccup: I don't get it! How did Viggo get away?! How did we lose Heather, Windshear and the Flightmare?!

Astrid: I don't even wanna think about what they're going to do to her and those dragons.

Ari: Viggo was unbelievable he outsmarted all of us and he wasn't even really trying dammit!

Hiccup: yeah ..

Fishlegs, Tuff and Ruff land

Hiccup: You guys find anything?

Fishlegs: No, the fog was too thick. They used it as cover and just vanished.

Astrid: We should've just pulled Heather out, Hiccup. I knew something like this was...

Ari: Astrid!,  believe me I wanted her out as badly as you did but she wouldn't have come with us. We all know that

Tuffnut: It could be worse. We could've brought the Dragon Eye.

Ruff hits Tuff

Tuffnut: Ow!

Hiccup: How do you know I didn't bring the Dragon Eye?

Tuffnut: How did I know you didn't bring the Dragon Eye?

Ruff hits Tuff again and smiles innocently

Tuffnut: OUCH.

Hiccup: Yeah. Okay. You're right . I didn't bring it.

Astrid: Thank Thor!

Ari: Seriously I guess things good be worse

Snotlout lands

Snotlout: No kidding. Then Viggo would have had Heather, Windshear, the Flightmare AND the Dragon Eye.

Hiccup: Which is back on Dragon's Edge completely unguarded.

Back on Dragon's Edge and it's completely wrecked

Fishlegs: Look at this. I feel violated.

Hiccup: This is the last part of Viggo's plan.

Snotlout: Lead us away from the Edge so the rest of the hunters in the armada can stay behind and come after the Dragon Eye.

Hiccup: How did I not see that?

Ari: Seriously who the hell is this guy! It's like this is all a game too him

The scene switches to Hiccup's hut

Hiccup: It's gone. They got it.

Snotlout: Are you sure you put it away after you got it back from the twins?

Hiccup: Got it back from the twins? What are you talking about?

In the awesome viking cave club north-east

Hiccup: Wow. They really wrecked this place.

Snotlout: This is pretty much how we left it.

Tuffnut: Except, I don't remember that sword being there!

Tuff points to a stuffed yak with a sword in its mouth

Snotlout: No, no, no, no. Remember, we were playing Pirates vs Vikings and Bjorn was the Pirate Captain?

Tuffnut: Oh right. Ha ha. That is one great game. Yeah, this is pretty much how we left it.

He pulls put the dragon eye and it has a ton of stuff on it

Hiccup: What on earth is on there?

Tuffnut: Boar rind grease. Don't worry. It'll buff out. 'He spits and rubs' See? Well, takes a while.

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