King of Dragons part 1

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'Scene starts with the Riders gathered in the Clubhouse at Dragon's Edge, waiting for Toothless to shine light on the Dragon Eye Two so that they can uncover the King of Dragons'

Hiccup: Well, this should be it. The last remaining lens for the Dragon Eye. This should tell us everything there is to know about the King of Dragons.

Tuffnut: Come on, now, T, fire that magical plasma up and let a beacon of knowledge shine down upon us and light our merry way.

Astrid: Wow. That was kind of poetic, Tuff.

Tuffnut: Thank you, Astrid. You know, in some societies, entire conversations are spoken in verse. I'd like to visit one of those places...

Fishlegs: Hiccup, Hiccup! If you don't tell Toothless light that Dragon Eye, let us see what's on that lens, I will no longer be held responsible for my actions.

Hiccup: Toothless, you heard the screaming, crazy Viking.

"Toothless lights the Dragon Eye which shows an image of a Titan Wing Dramillion surrounded by dragons representing the five Dragon Classes'

Snotlout: Wow!

Ruffnut: Whoa!

Ari: Now that's unexpected

'Fishlegs screams'

Hiccup: Is that -

Fishlegs: A Dramillion. That's a Dramillion.

Astrid: The King of Dragons is a Dramillion?

Fishlegs: No, it's a Titan Wing Dramillion. Look at the Titan Wing in relation to the other dragons. It's bigger than this Monstrous Nightmare right next to it. This must mean that the giant skeletal remains on Vanaheim belong to another Titan Wing Dramillion.

Tuffnut: Okay, okay, sounds great. But what can it do?

Ruffnut: How does it kill its enemy? Fire?

Tuffnut: Spines?

Ruffnut: Liquid, hot magma?

Hiccup: Actually, legend has it that the King of Dragons uses its mind.

Tuffnut: What, like as a bludgeon? 'Swings his head at Hiccup like a bludgeon' Pah!

Ari catches his head and shoves tuffnut away

Hiccup: No, Tuff, it uses its mind to control other dragons to make them do whatever it tells them to do.

Astrid: That could be -

Hiccup/(Fishlegs): Catastrophic. (Amazing.)

Ari: it would be pretty amazing to watch but Johann controlling every dragon on earth including one's we haven't even met yet probably isn't a good thing

Hiccup: No it is not, We have to get to Dramillion Island as quickly as possible, find the King of Dragons, and move it out of there.

'Spitelout is seen flying toward Dragon's Edge'

Astrid: Snotlout, is that your dad?

Snotlout: Huh. What in the name of Thor is he doing here?

Ari: That's a very good question

Hiccup: Spitelout. Oh, no, Dad!

Spitelout: Aye, Hiccup, it's the chief. He's alive. He's alive. But he's gotten worse. Gothi is trying, but I'm sorry, son. She's not hopeful. The Elders called a council meeting and -

Hiccup: Don't you say it.

Spitelout: You have been voted Acting Chief.

Ari looks down his hair covering his eyes

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