Midnight serum

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Viking 1: Come back here!

Viking 2: Get him!

Viking 1: Where'd he go?

Viking 2: Don't let him get away!

Hiccup runs. An arrow and an axe slice through the air just in front of him and he gasps

Hiccup: Whoa!

Hiccup keeps running. Other feet, clearly those of bulkier men, carry his pursuers just behind him.

Viking 1: We'll get you!

Viking 2: He's on the right! Behind that tree! Come on! We're getting closer!

A viking jumps off a cliff, an axe raised above his head, and shouting. Hiccup dodges, sliding down a hill. He laughs, perhaps slightly manically, at his victory, but it is short lived as he looks ahead.

Hiccup: Wha? Whoa!

Hiccup's slide becomes a tumble as he loses control of his momentum.

Within earshot; Astrid, Stormfly, Ari, Sora and Toothless are gathering apples.

Hiccup: Toothless!

Toothless drops the bucket of apples he was carrying, his expression turning fierce as he attempts to locate his rider. Hiccup crests a nearby hill, on his feet again and still running.

Hiccup: Toothless!

Behind him, a number of burly vikings also crest the hill, shouting, hot on his heels. Hiccup slides again, trying to increase his speed. Stormfly, with Astrid astride her, rushes forward in the air. Ari and Sora then appear flying through the air at high speeds Toothless rushes forward on the ground, using his wings to cover more ground in each bound. He clears the still sliding Hiccup, putting himself between the vikings and his rider. Hiccup skids to a stop, eyes fixed on his dragon. Toothless fires a plasma blast into the oncoming men, scattering several into the air.

Astrid: Get 'em, Stormfly.

The vikings struggle to dodge Stormfly's spine-shot, falling over themselves on the slope. One man loses a rolled up piece of paper as he tumbles. His companion flees, followed by the man who had fallen as soon as he regains his feet.

Ari: Now turn up the heat Sora

Sora blasts the Vikings sending them down to and scaring them off and sending another piece of paper flying

Astrid: Yeah, that's right! Keep running!

Ari: Yeah! And don't come back!

The two riders land and walk over to hiccup

Astrid: You okay?

Hiccup: 'Winded' Yeah, I think so.

Toothless pads up and licks most of his face in one go.

Hiccup: Ugh! I'm all right, bud...

Hiccup pets the top of Toothless' head and climbs to his feet. In the foreground, the paper dropped by the fleeing man rustles in the breeze.

Astrid: Who were those guys?

Ari: yeah, They didn't look like Dragon Hunters...

Hiccup: You know, I don't know. With all the flying axes and tumbling down hills, I forgot to ask.

Toothless notices the papers rustling and bounds off to chase after it. By the time Hiccup, Ari and Astrid notice, he's batting the paper around on the grass, catlike.

Hiccup: Hey. What you got there, Toothless?

Hiccup, Ari and Astrid approach, they are able to read the papers Toothless is playing with as they get closer. Their expressions darken.

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