Between a rock and a hard place

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Scene begins with the Riders, flying in formation. Hiccup thinks of something, then flies to land.

Hiccup: Hmm.

Snotlout: What are we landing for? They're pulling away. Hookfang, come on.

Hiccup: No, there's too many. And they're sailing in tight formation.

Snotlout: I'll show you a tight formation.

Fishlegs: Hiccup's right. We'll never be able to approach that convoy without being spotted first.

Astrid: We need a distraction.

Hiccup: Leave that to us.

Begins to fix a new tail to Toothless. This one is a bright yellow.

Snotlout: Hiccup! This no time to play dress-up.

Tuffnut: And how can you even think of wearing yellow after Snoggletog? That, my friend is a fashion faux pas.

Ruffnut: Ugghh. How gauche!

Ari: (I don't know what any of that means)

Hiccup: This one is lighter and stiffer. It's made of a thin sheet of Gronckle Iron. It's not great for long-distance flying but...

Fishlegs: The added stability will allow you to fly along the water surface without using any wing-flap. It's ingenious!

Hiccup: Exactly, Fishlegs. We're gonna glide in right under their sight line. Watch for my signal!

Tuffnut: Honestly, I would have stuck with the red. Yellow with Night Fury black? Really? Puh-lease!

Ari: ok I agree with that one

Scene switches to the Dragon Hunters on the boat

Dragon Hunter 1: Keep those lines tight.

Toothless flies in

Hiccup: Now bud!

Toothless blasts

Dragon Hunter 2: Dragon Riders! Defend the cargo at all costs!

He creates another explosion

Fishlegs: That's our signal. Let's go!

Ari cracks his neck: let's do this!

Snotlout: About time. Giddy-up!

They fly in and blast away at the ship dodging attacks from the hunters

Tuffnut: Yes, fire!

Heather: Windshear, down!

Windsheer cuts the sails

Ari: Sora, Incinerate!

Sora destroys the sails

They fly up and fist bump

They surround the hunters

Snotlout: Boo-yeah.

They surrender

Ari flies over and checks out a ship with Heather and Astrid

They look around and find just a bunch of marble blocks

Ari: ok this is really weird

They fly back and meet up with hiccup

Astrid: Hiccup, these ships don't have any dragons on them. Just marble blocks.

Heather: Why would they fight so hard to protect a bunch of rocks?

Ari: That is a very good question and something tells me we aren't going to like the answer

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