View of a skrill part 2

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Scene starts with Hiccup flying Toothless on the night of a full moon searching for the missing Twins

Hiccup: Ruff! Tuff! I know, bud. It's getting late. But we gotta keep looking.

Scene changes to show Hiccup and Toothless leaving the Dragon Training Academy as Fishlegs and Ari run up to him

Fishlegs: Hiccup, any sign of them yet?

Hiccup: None. The other Riders have come in for the night. They're resting their dragons.

Fishlegs: I don't blame them. I mean, look at Meatlug. 'Shows Meatlug flying trying to stay awake' She's sleep-flying.

Ari looks to see resting

Hiccup: I got some provisions. I'm going back out.

Fishlegs: Wait, what are you gonna do, fly all night?

Hiccup: If I have to, yes.

Fishlegs: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Hiccup: Well, I can't rest knowing the twins are lost out there somewhere.

Fishlegs: 'Sighs' You're right. I - we'll go with you. 'Meatlug falls from the sky into Fishlegs' Ugh!

Hiccup: No, looks like you guys need some rest. I'll be fine.

Ari: well I'm doing with you come on Sora we've got some knuckleheads to find

Sora wakes up and roars

Scene changes to show Hiccup, Toothless, Ari and Sora flying through a thunderstorm

Hiccup'cont': You know, maybe we've been looking at this whole thing the wrong way. Maybe the twins went after the Skrill. The Skrill is attracted to lightning. Maybe if we find the Skrill, we find Ruff and Tuff. And it can't hurt, right? 'Toothless growls' We've tried everything else. Come on, bud.

Ari: Hey maybe the twins actually did that there's always a first time for everything

Hiccup: yeah..

'They continue flying and dodging lightning'

Hiccup: Whoa! Watch your tail, bud! Ah! Ow! And I'll watch my leg. 'Lightning continues crashing around them'

Lighting strikes past Ari to where his sword was

Ari: Well crap that was intense

Hiccup: Hang in there, you three we've got this!

Ari: Hey hiccup what can you see!

Hiccup takes out his spyglass to look around but a close lightning bolt causes him to almost drop it'

Hiccup: Okay! Gronckle Iron and lightning. Not a terrific combo. Come on, bud. Get us outta here.

Ari: Sora follow that night fury!

The dragons flies out of the storm and they all spot an island'

Hiccup::Outcast island. I know, bud. But we got no choice. We have to set down and wait out the storm.

Ari: Ugh just great of course the only island we find is outcast island

They land on Outcast Island and check on current on goings

Hiccup: That's a lot of Outcasts. What are you up to, Alvin?

Ruffnut: All I know is he's planning something big with that Skrill.

Ari: (wait what?!)

Hiccup: Alvin has the Skrill? Wai- Ruff? You're-You're alive! I-I-I don't believe it! Whe-Where's Tuff?

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