The traitor survives

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It's the middle of the day

Ari is training like a mad man he's been between distressed since the whole Viggo fiasco a few months ago

He suddenly stops back flipping off a tree

Ari: Hey Sora how do you feel about a day out

Sora growls in agreement and they fly off

The two are flying

Ari: So do you think Heather is ok? We haven't seen her for a long time

Sora gives a comforting growl

Ari: yeah you're right she's fine she's smart and strong much like my brothers blonde valkyrie

They keep flying doing tricks in mid air blast fire into the air to blow off some steam

They then find an island and decide to take a break

Ari sees a group of wild boars then chases them down and kill them

Then they are seen that evening by a fire and cooking the boars

Ari: gotta say I do feel a lot more relaxed now

He then hears a rustling in the bushes

Ari draws his sword

Ari: show yourselves!

?: oh it's you

Then Heather emerges from the bushes

Ari: Heather!

Heather: Hey Ari

Ari runs and hugs her

Ari: I'm glad you are ok

Heather: yeah I'm glad you ok as well

They separate

They are then seen catching up and their dragons are seen playing

Ari: wait so dagur saved you why?

Heather: I don't know, maybe no that's crazy

Ari: come on

Heather: maybe..he actually has some brotherly love in him

Ari: possibly, your sibling relationship is complicated if anything

Heather: no it's not I hate him and next time I see him I'm going to run him through with my axe

Ari; yeah I can understand that we both have a grudge against that psycho but yours is a lot more personal

Heather: he took my parents away from me so I'll take his life as payment

Ari: just promise me one thing

Heather: yeah..

Ari: don't go and get yourself killed doing it you tried that it didn't work so well

Heather: don't worry I learned my lesson from last time

Ari: that's good so how have you been doing since the whole Viggo fiasco

Heather: just been getting some alone time needed time alone to think, to process everything that had happened

Ari: yeah..gotta say I can't say I would feel any different

Heather: it is good to finally have someone else to talk too, so hehe how have you been handling it

Ari: well not good been frustrated and irritatable the whole time been training for hours upon hours everyday this is the longest I've gone in months without trying to get better but

Slicing through the sky- how to train you dragon x male oc Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon