Family on the edge

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Ari is flying back from berk with something special strapped to his back

It's the sword he got on that boat all that time ago

Ari: Heh i wonder if hiccup is up for this

Ari lands at hiccups hut and hears something

He opens the door

And he sees dagur staring back at him


Dagur: Brother! Where's my hug

Ari draws his sword: Back off! Psycho!

Dagur: Oh yeah right! Uhh

Ari: Hiccup do you want to explain this! Mainly why he isn't in a cell

Hiccup sighs: yes fine

Hiccup tells him everything that happened

Ari: So dagur saved your life

Dagur: and toothless's

Toothless growls

Ari: alright I get that but dagur why are you here now and please make it a good answer

Dagur: I'm looking for Heather so I came to your brother hiccup here. Too get a dragon so I can cover more ground faster

Ari and hiccup exchange looks

Ari: alright yeah that sounds like a great mission so the sooner the better right you should go too the far far side of the island that's where the best wild dragons are it's where I go when I want too train even harder so camp out for the night get the lay of the land and everything

Hiccup: yeah and then tomorrow I'll help you train a dragon

Dagur: Great idea!

He hugs them both and leaves

Ari: uuuh that was really weird but now I'm hungry so bye

Then later in they are having dinner and hiccup shows up

Tuffnut: But somebody better explain how yak stew got in my pants. 'They all laugh' It was so warm.

Hiccup's is obviously fake

Hiccup: Hey, uh, speaking of soggy pants, you ever wonder what happened to Dagur and his crazy pants?

Snotlout: Uh no.

Ruffnut: And for the record, I don't think his pants were that crazy.

Fishlegs: What brings Dagur up, anyway?

Hiccup: Nothing. But since we're on the subject of Dagur now, uh, do you ever wonder why he helped Heather escape from Viggo?

Astrid: Probably as a distraction so he could get away himself.

Ari: or maybe just him being a crazy weirdo I think deranged is the word he used

Hiccup: Maybe. I don't know. But what if it was actually the first step on a path toward a new life?

Heather: A "new life"? Dagur? A dragon doesn't change its markings, Hiccup.

Fishlegs: Uh, technically-

Heather: Except for a Changewing, yes, I know.

Fishlegs: And a-

Heather: You get the point!

Ari: Fishlegs nows not the time to be a smartass

Fishlegs: oh right sorry

Hiccup: Right. You're probably right. But then again, uh, who would've thought that my father, Stoick the Vast, would ever learn to ride a dragon? You never know. Next time we see Dagur-

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