The Heather report part 1

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Hiccup: Yeah! Come on, bud! Here we go, buddy! Come on, Toothless! Yeah!

Astrid: Here they come!

Hiccup: Let's go!

Fishlegs: Yep! It's a new course record.

Hiccup: So? How'd we do?

Fishlegs: Technically you're still the fastest, but someone, and I won't mention who, is gaining significant ground. And I don't mean Ari whi does still stand at the second fastest

Hiccup: What?

Tuffnut: Don't look at us!

Hiccup: How can that be? How can Toothless be getting slower?

Fishlegs: He's not. Stormfly's getting faster.

Hiccup: Oh, really? Is that so? Anything you'd like to share, Astrid?

Astrid: Let's just say I'm experimenting with what she eats. Apparently, it's working. And, making you mad.

Ari: You better be ready to have the rug pulled out from under you little bro

Snoutlout flies into the arena

Snotlout: Whoo! Ha-ha! Whoo! You will not believe what I just found!

Tuffnut: A severed head?

Ruffnut: Our cousin, Lars?

Tuffnut: Our cousin Lars' severed head?

Fishlegs: Lars died?

Tuffnut: Who said that?!

Snotlout: Um, excuse me? Do you guys want to see this, or not?

The fly over to the

Tuffnut: Huh. A wrecked boat on Berk? Yeah, there's something new.

Snotlout: Just remember, I saw it first, so it's mine.

They look into the boat to see a young girl

Ari's heart beats slightly faster

Tuffnut: Whoa! Now I like the boat.

Snotlout: Remember, I get to keep her!

Astrid: Snotlout, it's a person!

Snotlout: Right?! How lucky is that?

Ari: Eh, hey. Hey there. It's okay. We're friends.

Heather: D-Do you have any water?

Ari: oh yeah. Here you go

She drinks up

Heather: Thank you. W-Where am I?

Hiccup: This is Berk.

Heather backs away from toothless and Sora

Hicucp:  Uh, do-don't be afraid! He won't hurt you. Hey. Come out. It's okay. Easy, bud.

Ari: Yeah calm down Sora

Heather: How did you two do that?

Snotlout: That? That's nothin'. Watch this. Hookfang, get your butt over here! Heh heh heh. 'Hookfang flies off' He'll be back. Jokester. Oh! And just so you know, I'm the one who rescued you.

Hiccup: And I would be Hiccup.

Ari: and the names Ari

Heather: Heather.

Astrid: So, Heather... What happened to you?

Heather: My family and I were on our way home to our island when our boat was attacked by pirates.

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