No dragon left behind

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Scene begins with the Riders standing together outdoors, creating plans for the rebuilding of the Edge. Hiccup leads the meeting.

Hiccup: Okay, we have a lot of work to get the Edge up and running.

Tuffnut: And we cannot wait to rebuild our hut!

Ruffnut: We've come up with a few new designs/renovations.

Tuffnut: It's very, very now. It's very Today's Viking.

Ruffnut: And Vi-queen. Behold, our second, third, and fourth floors.

Tuffnut: The kitchen. It's huge.

Fishlegs: What's that in the middle of it?

Tuffnut: So glad you asked.

Ruffnut: Since we live on an island-

Tuffnut: I came up with the idea of putting one in the middle of our kitchen.

Snotlout: For what?

Tuffnut: "For what?" he says. Remind me, Sister Nut. La Isla Cocina? Por que es?

Ruffnut: Beats me, my flaxen-haired brother. But it looks cool. One might say "bro-fessionally" done!

Tuffnut: Like "brother", but professionally. Yeah, yeah, "brother-rated".

Ruffnut: "Numero brono".

Hiccup: Okay, great, thanks for that. Uh, whatever all that was, your hut is one of the few that actually survived, so this would all be a waste of time and resources. Hey, here's a thought. Why don't you put your efforts and brilliant ideas into the stables?

Ruffnut: I guess we could put an island in the middle of the stables.

Tuffnut: "Fan-stister-istic" idea!

Ruffnut: One might say "marvel-sis".

Hiccup: No. One might not say any of that.

The cries of a trapped dragon reach the Riders.

Ari sighs: seriously

Fishlegs: Uh, come on, Garff.

Snotlout: Doesn't that dragon ever quit? This is the third time this week.

They look round to see Garffiljorg, having trapped Smidvarg with his song, attempting to eat him.

Fishlegs: No, Garff! Not Smidvarg!

Astrid: No, Garff, no!

Ruffnut: 'singing operatically' No, Garff, no You cannot eat Smidvarg For he's our good friend And we love him to the en- What? Not doing it this time? Shame. That is one magnificent song.

Stormfly roars at Garff warningly.

Astrid: Good girl, Stormfly. You tell him.

The two dragons then play together

Ari cuts smidvarg loose with his fire sword

Fishlegs: Uh, Hiccup, I hate to say it, but this is getting way too dangerous.

Hiccup: I agree. He's following his true nature, hunting like an adult Death Song now.

Astrid: 'defensively' Well, it's not his fault. He's just doing what his instincts tell him.

Hiccup: I understand, Astrid, but his instincts don't care about the safety of us or our dragons.

Astrid: 'Happily gazing at Stormfly and Garf, who are engaged in affectionate play' Not for all our dragons. I mean, these two have bonded so well that Garff's song doesn't even affect Stormfly anymore.

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