Quake, rattle and roll

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Hiccup is building something and it's revealed to be a barrel with some glass in it

It's basically a telescope

Astrid; nice I can see straight to the horizon

Ari has a look: Awesome!

Hiccup: that should definitely make it harder for anyone to sneak up on us, I wonder how the twins lookout tower is coming along

Astrid: I can only imagine

Ari: yeah what she said

Ari is off sharpening his sword it in great condition

Then the twins appear

Tuffnut: Hiccup! Drop everything you are doing and bring your face!

Ruffnut: prepare to be rubbed

They look at each other and follow the twins

Tuffnut: Dragon riders! You asked for it we built it presenting you

Ruffnut: bu buds buh

Tuffnut: with your new rock lookout tower

And nothing is there

Snotlout: you guys never disappoint do you

Snotlout: you guys never disappoint do you

Tuffnut: what no wait it was here a minute ago

The twins start agreeing

They then chagre at each other with weapons

Ari rushes in and disarms both of them

Ari: ok that's enough

Hiccup: everyone step away from the sharp objects huh ok look maybe this job too tough for you too do alone I can always put Astrid or Ari on the job with you

Astrid: hey hiccup let's not be hasty

Ari: Agreed

Ruffnut: but we did build it, honest

Tuffnut: trust me no-one was more suprised about this then we where

Fishlegs: Hiccup, Hiccup come quickly!

Ari: alright then

Astrid: that does not sound good

Ari being bored now flies off

Then about an hour later hiccup and fishlegs are above him

Hiccu0m Hey Ari!

Ari: yah

Hiccup: wanna come to an island until just now we weren't even sure existed

Fishlegs: dark deep the ancestral homeland of all the gronckles

Ari: Count me in!

Fishlegs: Ooh you won't regret this

Then they are seen flying and fishlegs is singing

Fishlegs: ♪ Dark Deep at last I've found you ♪
♪ Dark Deep the Gronckles surround you ♪

Hiccup: 'laughs' Fishlegs, I haven't seen you this excited since Snoggletog morning when we were seven.

Fishlegs: Whoo-hoo! I know. I couldn't even finish third breakfast.

Ari: third breakfast? (I rarely eat first)

Hiccup: don't ask

Ari: noted

Fishlegs: I hope I don't get too hungry. Dark Deep, here we come.

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