There where dragons when i was a boy

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Astrid whistles to call Stormfly and points to the sky, then to Hiccup. Stormfly swoops in and plucks Hiccup, carrying him towards the airship, that is engulfed in flames and dropping steadily. A freed Deathgripper bumps into Stormfly, knocking Hiccup out of her grasp and throwing him through the air until he grabs onto the airship.)

Hiccup: I'm coming, Toothless!

'Grimmel shimmies down the chain to the Light Fury'

Grimmel: You still think he cares about you?!

(He puts a vial of venom into the Light Fury's collar, subduing her into obedience.)

Grimmel: Let's just see who he follows!

'He releases the latch, springing the Light Fury from her restraint. She flies off, groggy and obedient, carrying Grimmel on her back. Toothless watches, raging and struggling against his ties.'

'Hiccup launches himself into the air until he grasps Toothless' chain and climbs down through the ties until he's next to Toothless' head'

Hiccup: I'm sorry, bud! For everything!

(He takes off Toothless' collar.)

'Just as the flaming airship crashes into the sea, Hiccup pulls the release latch, freeing Toothless. Suddenly, Hiccup and Toothless come out of the water flying and tear off in pursuit of Grimmel and the Light Fury"

Hiccup: Now let's go get her!

'The remaining Deathgrippers head after them.'

'A soldier yells a battle cry and charges the Gang. Tuffnut clocks him from behind, then hurls his war hammer to Snotlout, who takes out another soldier, then'

Snotlout: Number two, coming through!

"tosses his hammer back to Tuffnut, who effortlessly uses it to knock out yet another'

Tuffnut: Surprise! Sorry about that!

Snotlout: Come on!

'Snotlout rolls over the tussle and grabs the hammer,bringing it down heavily to smash the lock off of a cage,freeing the Gorecutter within'

Snotlout: Yeah! One more freed, four to go! Try to keep up!

'The Goregutter roars and takes to the air, passing Fishlegs engaged in combat on an upper deck'

Fishlegs: I got your backs! 'He pushes his adversary off of the deck then, seeing his friends about to be attacked by a horde of soldiers below, grabs a line and hook, and swings down to their rescue, knocking over soldiers like a wrecking ball. He lands and eyes the damage, impressed.' Yeah! It's almost like we're a team!

'The line and heavy hook swing back, knocking Fishlegs to the deck and sending Fishmeat tumbling from his pouch. Ivar raises his sword to the baby'

Ivar: Oh. You brought a baby to a battle?

Fishlegs: Uh-uh. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

'They look up to the Goregutter, roaring with rage as he flies in to protect Fishmeat. He crashes through the masts, bringing a storm of wreckage down upon the fleeing soldiers.'

Ivar: Look out!

'Fishlegs beams, placing Fishmeat back into his pouch'

Fishlegs: God, I love that dragon.

We cut bakc to Ari and the other who are all fighting an army of dragon trappers

Dagur: You know I know this is a tense situation but I'm having a blast

Slicing through the sky- how to train you dragon x male oc Where stories live. Discover now