Gold rush

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Scene goes to Fishlegs and Heather playing Maces and Talons

Ari is watching with a smirk on his face

Heather: Hmm...

Fishlegs gasps

Heather: Hmp..

Fishlegs: Mhmm..

Fishlegs: Hmhmhm.

And Heather wins

Astrid: Yes!

Fishlegs: Oh! Should have seen that coming!

Astrid: And that makes three in a row.

Snotlout: Mmm. I'm filing a grievance. This is totally unfair, you manipulated my partner with your big brown eyes.

Heather: They're green.

Snotlout: Shut up.

Ari: Alright now that's done I think our reigning champ deserves another opponent

Heather: oh you wanna take me on well challenge accepted

Ari: bring it on

Ari and Heather are then seen playing maces and talons really quickly

Toothless and Hiccup sluggishly enter the room

Astrid: Well, well, well. Look what the Night Fury dragged in.

Hiccup: Hahaha... Very funny.

Heather: Seriously, Hiccup, you've been pushing it pretty hard lately, everyone needs a rest.

Ari: You really don't know this guy, he's mellowed out since the old days he used too pull so many all nighters that once he almost chopped his head of sharpening a sword because he fell asleep

Heather: seriously

Ari: Seriously

Hiccup: Right... I'll rest when Viggo's gone for good.

Ari and Heather are playing until the match is declared a draw

Ari: Damn good game

Heather: same too you

Suddenly Dagur appears at the door

Dagur: You wanna hurt Viggo? Talk to me.

Heather: 'gasps' Dagur!

Dagur: I told you I'd be back.

Scene goes to Dagur is eating a piece of mutton

Dagur: Mmm.. mm.. Oh.. Mmmmm...This is good, and cooked to perfection! Mm. Just the way I like it!

Heather: Thanks.

Hiccup: So, how are we going to hurt Viggo?

Dagur: Haha I should of known it was you, Heather, cooking is in our family's blood. Ooh! I bet you make a wicked Berserk Chicken!

Chicken Squawks

Tuffnut: Hey, watch it! Everyone knows that Chicken suffers from rotisserie-phobia. He's afraid of the old turn and burn.

Dagur: Sorry, Boy-Nut, and.. Chicken-Nut. It's just, we've been out there all alone for so long, and we haven't eaten anything in days... Isn't that right, Shattermaster?

Fishlegs dumps a wheel barrel of rocks out for Shattermaster

Dagur: Easy, Shattermaster... Remember your manners.

Hiccup: Dagur! What about Viggo?!

Dagur: Yes, of course. The strangest thing happened while I was out traveling the world in search of Oswald the Agreeable.

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