Wings of war part 1

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Basically all the riders are depressed

Ari is sitting on a roof his hair covering his eyes: (dammit I wasn't strong enough Again!, I wish Heather was here)

He notices hiccup

Hiccup: I've seen worse.

Astrid: Remind me when that was.

Ari sighs very loudly

Astrid: So, should we talk about our next move, Hiccup? I was thinking, we should probably try to get the Edge back?

Snotlout: Can we get the Edge back?

Fishlegs: I mean, guys, how many of those Dragon Flyers are out there?

Ari: Not to mention thanks to the fact they are riding singetails even one of them is a force to be reckoned with and the more times they fight the better they'll become

Tuffnut: And what is your favorite part of the human face and why? What? We're not playing "Ask the guy next to you an awesome, yet completely unrelated question"?

Ruffnut: I'll play. The eye socket.

Tuffnut: Why's that?

Ruffnut: Come closer and I'll show you.

Tuffnut: Okay.

Ruffnut: Not even fun right now.

Tuffnut: What if I do it for you? 'He pokes him in the eye' I'll give you another. 'He does it again'

Ruffnut: Nothing.

Tuffnut: Really? Okay, we are officially bummed out.

Mala: You will all have time to plan the correct course of action. But right now you are mentally and physically exhausted.

Tuffnut: Meh.

Mala: You need to rest, regroup. You are welcome here among us for as long as you need.

Ari: thanks sis that means a lot

Mala: Fishlegs, there is an ore mine in the middle of the island. Oxides, sulfides, silicates.

Fishlegs: Oh, no, no, no, no. Don't say silicates, it makes her... drool.

Throk: My queen has had me scouting out some pristine locations where one could build a temporary boar pit.

Tuffnut: "Boar pits".

Ruffnut: So last year.

Throk: What about a lava pit? Very dangerous. Hot, smoldering magma?

Ruffnut: Sounds spicy.

Tuffnut: One might even say, muy picante. Como esta tu espanol, Throkman? Mi Throkante.

Mala: Snotlout? Some of our younger warriors are in desperate need for hand-to-hand combat training. But if you're too tired, I-

Snotlout: Ha! The Snot doesn't do tired. Where are those little guys?

Mala: Raven on the corner of the island there's a secluded clearing with a beautiful lake much like the one you I heard you have  at home it is all yours to stay in for as long as you need

Ari: thank you sis I'll see you later

Mala: I know

Ari: come on Sora let's go and relax for a while

Him and Sora fly off

Hiccup: Again, thank you, Mala.

Mala: I've been precisely where you stand, Hiccup Haddock. When one leads, one is looked upon for all answers, some of which they haven't yet found.

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