Live and let fly

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Camera pulls into a small cave, where Fishlegs is tied to a chair, being interrogated.

Viking: Tell us what you know about the dragons, boy. Tell us how you train them!

Fishlegs: I won't talk! You can't make me!

Viking: Oh, I think we can.

Suddenly, the lit torches in the cave go out, and Fishlegs is now bathed in an eerie darkness as he looks around in despair.

Fishlegs: Hello? Is anybody there? Oh, you can't - you can't leave me in here. Okay, okay! Hiccup is the leader of the Berk Dragon Academy! He rides a Night Fury named Toothless!, There's Ari, hiccups brother he's scary despite appearances and his rathalos is even scarier, Then there's Astrid! She's mean, but in a nice way. Her dragon is Deadly Nadder, shoots spines, loves chicken! Snotlout rides a Monstrous Nightmare, we're not actually sure who's more monstrous, him or the dragon! Then there's the Twins. They share a Zippleback - actually they fight over it.

We hear the familiar sound of Toothless charging a plasma blast. He and Meatlug then light the other dragon Riders' torches, now revealing their annoyed expressions because Fishlegs failed the interrogation test.

Fishlegs: What?! You KNOW I hate the dark!

Tuffnut: Great. Fishlegs? More like "Guppylegs". Jeez...

Hiccup: Fishlegs, you can't cave in! Alvin will do a lot more than turn out the light to get you to talk. He had me locked in a dungeon ready to be executed! Toothless was chained and muzzled for days. You need to stick with what we discussed: your name, where you live, and nothing else.

Fishlegs: All right, I'll work on it!

Astrid: "Mean"? I'm not mean.

Snotlout: It's okay, Astrid. I like mean girls.

Astrid: 'disgusted' Ugh!

Ari: (I'm scary?)

The other Riders exit the cave, leaving Fishlegs behind.

Fishlegs: Hey, girl. Can you untie me?

Meatlug licks Fishlegs' face and curls up behind him.

Fishlegs: Please?

The scene changes to the docks of Berk, Hiccup and Ari are walking with thier father while their dragons follows behind.

Hiccup: Grounded? All the dragons? Are you serious?

Stoick: Deadly serious. From this point forward, there is a ban on flying, period.

Hiccup: What? What about patrolling, training?

Stoick: What part of "ban on flying" did you not understand, Hiccup?

Ari: But that's... That's ridiculous.

Stoick: I want that wall higher!

Viking: Aye, aye, sir!

Stoick: Are you calling your father ridiculous?

Ari: Of course not. I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous.

Stoick: Careful, sons. You too, dragons.

Stoick: Put your backs into it, boys!

Hiccup: Dad, Alvin has his own dragons. Changewings, Scauldrons, Whispering Deaths... I-I saw them with my own eyes.

Stoick: Yes. When you were kidnapped and locked up in an Outcast prison.

Ari: He has a point about that

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