Dire straits

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Ari is relaxing in a tree when he hears his brother calling that their dad has a task for them

They are then seen flying above water

Snotlout: Uh, I hate to be the one who points out the obvious, but you do realize we're just staring at water, right?

Hiccup: No sign of any wild dragons or hunter ships. So what's keeping these merchants away?

Astrid: Hiccup, look!

A scaldron appears

Fishlegs: Adolescent male. About two ship lengths. Whoo! He's a big boy for sure.

Ari: he looks like he could destroy a few ships and eat a few traders

Hiccup: Okay, we'll head to Berk and grab some nets. It's just a routine Scauldron extraction and relocation.

Then then see bubbling

Astrid: Wait, looks like he might have a friend.

Ari then suddenly has to grip his nose

Ruffnut: Ugh! Ugh! What is that stink?

Tuffnut: Yeesh! Hey, Snotlout, kinda smells like the trail to your hut after last year's Mutton Fest. No bueno.

Snotlout: Hey, back off. It isn't me. And that was a very trying time by the way.

Ruffnut: Well, remember what wise old Uncle Hagelin used to say. "He who hath smelt it, hath dealt it."

Tuffnut: "And if it was more than just gas, he will hath felt it in his pants."

Ruffnut: Ah, he was a brilliant man.

Snotlout: It isn't me!

Fishlegs: Hiccup, if it wasn't Snotlout, do you think that could mean-

Hiccup: Everyone, clear the area! Now!

Then a massive whirlpool appears

Ari: what the Thor

Astrid: What is that?

Hiccup: No time to explain. We need to move!

They get out of there

Fishlegs: Hiccup, the Scauldron!

Hiccup: I see it. Fishlegs, follow me.

Astrid: Hold on, girl! Hiccup, it's pulling us in!

Ari: Yeah this isn't good!

Ari is fighting against it

Hiccup: Fly against it. Push harder!

Snotlout: Oh, this keeps getting better by the second!

Snotlout aciddently hits fishlegs and he starts falling towards the whirlpool

Heather: Fishlegs!

Heather goes after him

Fishlegs: Oh, Thor. Oh, Thor. Heather!

Ari flies after Heather to help out

Heather: Hiccup, we can't get in there.

Ari: yeah unless we wanna get sucked in by whatever this is!

Hiccup: Okay, we only have one hope. Concentrate our fire. Everyone, blast into the mouth. Now! 'All dragons fire at the mouth of the whirlpool'

The whirlpool dissipates and fishlegs flies away safely

Tuffnut: You know, now that I think about it, I would hypothesize that the dragon/man-eating whirlpool is probably what scared those merchants away.

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