„I know, love. You told me about it yesterday." I reminded her gently.

„Oh...sorry, I forgot."

„It's alright, darling." I rubbed her arm.

One thing about the treatment she was getting what got to her the most, was her forgetting a lot about things we talked about or things she told me. It wasn't her fault in the slightest, but it made my heart ache everytime it was something she just recently told me about.

Yesterday, her management announced that the tour was cancelled due to health issues regarding Y/n. She didn't wanna explain just yet what it really was as not to worry anyone.

„You know...today the boys reached out to me, asking if you were okay because they saw the statement." I told her.

„They did?"

„Yeah. You're important to them, love." I said.

„What did you tell them?" She wondered.

„I didn't respond yet, because I wasn't sure if you want me to tell them."

„You can tell them, H. They're family." She told me.

„Okay...I will later."

„Uhm...H, I've been thinking of something in the last few days."

„What is it?" I wondered.

„I uhm, I wanna do one last show...as kind of a tribute show."

„A show?" I asked confused. „Y/n I don't think this is the best idea. I'm not sure if you're strong enough to do a show now."

„I am, H. I wanna do it now before I'm gonna feel worse. Please. This is the one thing I'm wishing for." She explained. „It doesn't have to be an arena. Just a small venue, an intimate one. I wanna do this for the fans and for myself. I need this, Harry. Let's be honest...we're not sure if I'm getting better, if the chemo works. I keep feeling like shit and it gets worse and worse. I don't know when I'll be able to perform again, to see my fans again or if I'll even be able to do that again someday. Please Harry. I need this...please. You should know how much I love being on stage, you do too. Please Harry...please."

I gave it a thought for a second, trying to hold back tears that were threatening to form in my eyes and eventually nodded. „I'll make it happen."


„Really." I nodded again. „I'll make it happen for you as soon as possible."

„Thank you so much, H. You have no idea what this means to me." She hugged me even tighter.

„Just want you to be happy." I kissed her. „Also, it needs to be a few days after chemo when you feel little better, because there is just no way right afterwards."

„Yeah, that's okay." She nodded. „I love you so much."

„Love you too, darling." I kissed her again.

„Are you mad? You look mad, H." She looked at me with wide eyes.

„No I'm not mad, love. Just worried." I told her.

„You really don't have to be. I can do it...and I really wanna do it. This might be my last time performing-."

„Don't say that, Y/n." I looked away. „Please don't say that."

„Harry look at me." She placed her hand on my cheek to make me look at her. „Let's face it, H...we don't know what's gonna happen-."

„Well I do and that's, that you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine, Y/n, I know you will." Tears started to pool in my eyes. „Sorry, I'll be right back..." I got up from the couch and went upstairs to the bathroom where I broke down in tears. Just imagining a life without Y/n tore me apart and her starting to say all those things made my heart hurt more than ever. Did she lose faith? Did she not want to fight? Why was she saying all those things?

 Did she lose faith? Did she not want to fight? Why was she saying all those things?

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„Harry?" Her beautiful voice sounded from outside the bathroom. I didn't close the door, so she just came in and wrapped her arms around me from behind. „Please don't cry because of me." She ran her hands over my arms until she reached my hands and held them.

[The last pic is made with AI!! It's NOT real!!🫶🏻]

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