„No, thanks, H." She shook her head and disappeared in the bathroom.

A little while later, after a silent drive to the hospital, I slid my hand in Y/n's as we got out of the car and made our way inside.
With each step that we got closer to Y/n's doctor, her grip on my hand got tighter.
Eventually we made it up to the floor where we needed to be and got sent to the waiting room for another while.

„Hey, love, shhhh. Try to calm down a little, I don't want you having a panic attack." I noticed her shaking hard and breathing fast. „Come here, baby." I pulled her onto my lap so she could rest her body against me which she did.

„I'm sorry I'm just so scared and nervous."

„That's okay, love. That's totally fine." I assured her, holding her by her waist. „You'll be okay." I kissed her forehead and we kept on waiting until a nurse came in and brought us to the examination room where doctor Russell was. Doctor Russell was the one treating Y/n in the past whenever she was in LA and knew best all about her medical stuff from the past.

As he greeted us when we got in, I could tell Y/n wasn't really present with her mind. Everything happened kind of in slo motion until doctor Russell started to talk about what was happening and what was going to happen.

„Y/n, I have known you for a very long time now and I'm really sorry we have to meet again through this. Now, we made some scans yesterday and saw that this time it's your liver. There is a tumor that's cancerous and the reason you haven't felt anything is because the liver can't feel any pain, so until someone would actually feel that something was wrong, the liver would already be mostly destroyed. Yours is damaged, but not so bad that it's alarming. We have to keep an eye on it though." He explained.

I tried to listen carefully and understand, but with reality hitting, it was hard not to space out.
All of this didn't feel real. Y/n's grip on my hand got tighter with any minute passing.

„Can't you remove it surgically?" I asked him.

„Unfortunately not. Not yet at least. It's too big as of right now and the risk of a giant blood loss would be too high." He shook his head. „My plan is now to stop the tumor from growing and the cancer from spreading, I want you to start chemo...and then in a few weeks, we're gonna make some more test to see if it shrunk. If it did as much as I want it to, we'll remove it surgically."

„And if you're able go remove it surgically after...chemo, she's gonna be fine?" I asked again, praying he'd say yes.

„I can't 100% say it's a yes, but most probably." He nodded.

That was part of a relief for me, a small moment that I could finally breathe again.

„That sounds good already, right?" I asked again.

„It's the best possible plan at the moment. I'll do everything in my power to give you, Y/n the best possible solutions to fight against this." He promised her.

„Did you hear?" I turned to Y/n. „You can do this love. If everything goes according this plan, you'll be okay soon." I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand.

She looked at me with a small smile, just nodding along. I could tell if she said a word right now, she's start to cry immediately.

„I'm sorry, I just...I need a minute." She stood up and walked out of the room into the hallway.

„I'm sorry, I'll check on her." I excused myself and went after her, seeing her leaning with her back against a wall, tears rolling down her cheeks.

„Baby, hey, come here." I pulled her in my arms. „You heard his plan, it's the best solution right now. You're gonna be just fine, love. You can do this." I rubbed her back soothingly.

„They always say that, Harry." She sobbed. „They always have a plan, but it never works out as it should and it will get worse and worse. I know the drill, H. It's always the same."

„Don't say that, love. You say plans never worked out? Look at you still here. You can do this and it's gonna be all okay in the end. I'll be by your side through all of it." I assured her.

She nodded slowly. „Okay." She let go of me. „I love you so much. Thank you." She hugged me again immediately afterwards.

„No need to, darling. I love you more." I kissed her lips.

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