„Oh, well, it won't. I'll be fine, I guess. I mean it's not like there are gonna be people I don't know...and I won't drink. I'll stay with your family, I'll be fine, H." I assured him even though I did get a little nervous about him mentioning a bar. „It's been a while since it happened, maybe it's time to go out again anyways."

„Baby, I don't wanna force anything on you. We don't have to go if you're uncomfortable with it."

„Harry no. It's your tour, your band, your celebration and I don't wanna take that away from you, how could I? We're going, it's fine, I'll be okay." I assured him.

„Alright then." He nodded. „I can see that you're worrying about it though, which I understand, love, but I promise, I won't leave your side the whole night, okay? Nothing will happen to you, I'll always be there and won't leave you out of sight." He promised me which was very relieving actually.

„Okay, thank you." I nodded before he pressed a kiss on my lips.

As we later all went to that bar together, Harry grabbed my hand and didn't let go from the moment we stepped inside.

„H, you don't have to stay here with me all night, go to the boys, celebrate and drink. I'll be here with Gemma." I told Harry after a while of him sipping something non alcoholic. I hated that he passed on having fun with the boys because of me.

„I told you I wouldn't leave your side."

„As much as I appreciate you doing that, I still want you to have fun, Haz. Go, I'll be here and I'll be fine. I'm not alone." I assured him.

„Yes Harry go. Let the woman have some girl time with me and go celebrate." Gemma backed me up.


„No buts, H. Go have fun, get drunk." I chuckled. „I'll be fine."

„I won't leave her alone, alright?" Gemma assured him as well.

„Fine then, love you and findme if you need me."

„I will, don't worry. Love you too." I said as he kissed my lips before he left to head over to the boys.

Gemma and I finally had a night for ourselves again after so long and we enjoyed it so much. We chatted for so long as the night went on and on, hours passing.

„So the hiatus is being hard on Harry, huh? He doesn't talk much about it whenever I call." Gemma said.

„Oh yeah it definitely has been hard on him. He hasn't been truly happy in a while, because he only recently started to realize it actually happening. I always try to cheer him up, but in the end, I can't help him any more than I try to now."

„I understand that." She nodded. „He's always loved the band so much."

„You know, he feels guilty, thinking that part of this is his fault." I told her.

„Why that?" Gemma frowned.

„He thinks that his injury and the time he was out afterwards had an impact on this and it was one of the reasons, which is obviously not true, but I understand why he would feel like that."

„That is just silly. Harry's injury was management's fault after all, it obviously wasn't his in any way."

„Yeah, I told him that and I think he started to understand that. He said, that some things just don't work out anymore and that's what happened to One Direction. It just didn't work out anymore." I said.

„They achieved so much, but for their sake, it's better to stop now." Gemma said.

„Yes exactly. I don't want them to destroy themselves because of it and not be happy."

„Yeah, it has to make them happy and it just didn't anymore."

I nodded, agreeing to what she said.

„Hey what about you by the way? How are you doing?" She placed her hand on mine. „If this is too much for you here, we can just go out and get some fresh air if you like." She suggested.

„That's really not necessary, I'm fine, Gem. Thanks though. I uhm, I think I can say that after what happened to me that night, I'm doing pretty good." I told her confidently.

„I'm glad to hear that. I hate seeing you not doing good or anything in particular."

I smiled at how caring she was. „I am doing good, as good as I can do."

„I'm glad." She smiled. „You should know that, but I'm always here for you in any way if you need someone. Call anytime and I'm there for you."

„Thank you, Gem. That means a lot."

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