Chapter 70: Truth Hurts

Start from the beginning

And it would only hurt more now that you'd hidden it from him.

"Taehyung..." You didn't know what else to say, because you knew he was right. You hated that he was right.

"Tell me, Y/N, right now... why, and how are you the Blackrose?" Taehyung asked, stern eyes once again gazing into yours.

You hesitated. "C-can... can you forgive me, Taehyung? Can you forgive me from hiding this? I promise, I only did it for your own safety- Aunty made me promise."

"I hope so, Y/N, I really do."

You hated that he was calling you by your name. He never did. It was as if he were stabbing another hole your heart every single time, only accentuating the rift you had driven between the both of you.

"Okay," you sighed, sitting on the end of the bed. "But I'm going to stop if your headache gets worse."

He raised his eyebrow, but no emotion reached his eyes. "I don't think it can get any worse."

You bit your lip, nodding. "Alright... well... I don't know how else to say this, and I can't really butter it up, so brace yourself.... we're not actually Kims, Taehyung."

He didn't say anything for a moment. He just stared at you, his gaze unreadable. 

So you continued. "We're... Lims. And our parents weren't killed in a car accident. They were killed in a fight with another mafia gang. Their names were Kyo Haerin and Lim Seongmin. You might also know them by the name of Shadowscar."

That caught his attention. Taehyung's eyes widened, his mouth opening slightly. "What- you mean our parents were... Shadowscar? The... undefeatable, famous mafia bosses?"

You nodded, smiling faintly. "Well... yeah, and, they're the reason I'm... also a mafia boss."

He didn't reply, so you continued. 

"Before the accident, you were actually next in line for the Lim empire. Both you and I had been training for the role since we were five, maybe six. We were both good, but you... you were exceptional: hand-to-hand, knife skills, target practice, stealth work- everything. That's why dad chose you. But that all amounted to nothing after the accident.

"After the accident, Aunty took us both away from the mafia world, erasing our existence as Lims, trying to give us a normal life. But I couldn't push away the sneaking suspicion that the 'accident' wasn't actually an accident. So, in short, I secretly contacted one of our uncles, who had picked up from where mum and dad had left off, and he kept training me. That's how I became Blackrose." 

Taehyung groaned again, holding his head once more. "Well... if my head hurts, you've gotta be telling the truth, don't you?"

You hated to see him in pain. So you tried your luck. "Tae, I think we should stop there... I'll tell you the rest later."

"No," he said, instantly switching his attention back to you. "Keep going."

What to say next? Surely he doesn't need all the nitty-gritty details, right?

"So, you know OSH?" You asked. You knew Taehyung was kind of interested in the mafia world, and if he knew Blackrose, he would definitely know OSH. He was her number one rival, afterall. 

And, as expected, Taehyung nodded. 

You knew what you were about to say was probably going to trigger him, but you had to say it. 

"His father was not only the one who killed our parents and planned the accident that caused you to lose your memories, but he was also the one who... murdered Aunty."

Sure enough, at the mention of her name, Taehyung's eyes darkened. "OSH's father... murdered Aunty?" His voice deepened, and you knew he wasn't focused on the fact you had lied to him anymore.

"Well... I don't know anymore. But I'm starting to think that maybe... maybe it was OSH himself."


Hello guys! Long time no see... I'm sorry that you all have been waiting. I'm having issues with my wifi, which is making things a tiny bit difficult, but anyway, I'll get around it. We're finally.... nearing the end? Maybe? This is starting to get really long... 70 chapters, wow! Thankyou you all for your support and I'll try my best to finish up soon, and finally end your suffering. See you... next week? Hopefully?

~ Your Author

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