Time skip:

I knocked on the door, still half crouching down so I could guide Kelly properly. The ramp had helped (once I'd explained it's existence) but now I could tell she was getting nervous.

"Hey!" Kristin opened the door; she had a kind smile and crouched down to Kelly's level immediately. "It's nice to meet you, would you like to come in?"

"Hey Kristin, this is Kelly." I said, meanwhile Kelly breathed nervously but didn't say anything.

We stepped in the hallway, Kristin closing the door behind us. "Would you like to take your shoes off?" Kelly released her grip on my arm and felt for her shoes, undoing the velcro easily and slipping them off. She moved her leg around slightly, getting a feel for where she placed them before standing up straight again. "Why don't we sit down and talk a little?" Kristin spoke softly and guided Kelly herself to the dining table.

We were offered drinks and food, I explained Kelly hadn't eaten dinner and Kristin promised to make a proper meal for her when she was more comfortable. "Would you like to ask me anything?"

"Do you like unicorns?"

"That's a great question! And yea, unicorns are awesome."

"They aren't real, you know."

"Well they might be, maybe they are just living in a super secret place."

"Yea, but no. They are cool though." Kristin smiled at me.

"Are unicorns your favourite thing?"


"What is?" Kelly shrugged her shoulders. "My favourite thing is baking. Our sons don't like baking very much but when I find time, I bake really tasty cakes and decorate them with all sorts of things." Kelly still didn't say anything. "My husband, Phil, he likes sewing. He doesn't find a lot of time to do it either, but he's sewing some special fabric in two of our sons' clothes so that the labels don't scratch them."

"Gymnastics." She twiddled her hair round her finger, a nervous habit obviously. "Dad takes me 3 times a week and I've got my first proper competition in a few weeks."

"That sounds like fun. If Cleo can get all the information for us, we can still take you."

"But Dad can't?"

"I know bud, and you're allowed to be upset about that. Phil and I are going to do our best to help you but it isn't going to be the same as your dad."

"I'll make sure I'm calling Phil and Kristin all the time about how your Dad is doing, Kelly." I said, feeling the need to remind her he wasn't going to be left out of the equation.

"What if he can't take me after that? The ambulance people said he might lose his leg and then he can't walk properly."

"Why don't we wait to hear what the hospital says?" Kristin suggested.

"Fine." Kelly said, angrily sitting back in the chair and crossing her arms. "I just want him to be okay," her voice wobbled.

"Would you like a hug?" Kristin asked, holding Kelly tight when a few seconds latter the little girl nodded. I said awkwardly still at the table, hoping things would end up being okay in all of this.

Phil's POV:

"Wilbur please do not muck about!"

"Sorry Dad." He sack back on his heels and looked nervously at Tubbo.

"No, sorry mate, I shouldn't have raised my voice with you. Just want to get downstairs and help your mum out as soon as possible, so, just get this bed built."

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon