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In the red seaweed forest, there is a small red fish of the same color.

She licked her tail and spit out a bubble. There is only one little red fish here, she is single. However, this is not true, because she has been a fish since she was conscious, and she has never had a companion.

Occasionally, the small fish looked at a large group of fish who swam from the side, and they all wondered why they were all in groups, only she was one? Moreover, she rarely sees fish of the same color as her here.

The little fish doesn't know where she is from, but she knows where she is going. She is going to find something. Before she is conscious, she has a strong desire to find something that will make her feel happy. But what exactly is that thing? Little fish don't know.

She swam through the warm waters that woke up and came to this seaweed forest. She shouldn't be in this strange seaweed forest, but because she was in danger when she was on the road, she came to this place in order to avoid the dangerous enemies.

In this vast ocean, she is too small, many fish are bigger than her, and it is dangerous to pay attention. Not only fish, but also sea lions and some other enemies near the shore. If you swim higher, there will be seabirds thrown into the water to catch fish. In this beautiful sea, there are hidden dangers everywhere.

The little fish cleverly hid in this seaweed forest with the same color. The fish that wanted to take her out and eat it could not find her, and danced to find other food. The small fish looked out from the red seaweed and looked out. When it was not dangerous, it quickly swam out and continued its journey of searching.

Another group of fish swam past her, most of the fish did not see her, only a few small curious around her turn two circles. The little fish hesitated. I didn't know if I should say hello to them. The result was just hesitation. They had already left the big army.

Forget it, the little fish thinks that she doesn't need a partner and it's good. After swimming for a while, she felt hungry. She just ate some seaweed on the seaweed forest. She didn't like the taste very much. There were only small seaweeds growing on the rocks on the seabed and several corals. She tried to swim and ate the green algae on the big stone, passing a stone crevice, and was shocked by a blue-green striped fish that suddenly popped out inside.

The fish didn't care about her, and she went swimming up and down the corals. She didn't know what to eat. The little fish curiously came together and found that there were some tiny fish on the coral that were hidden in the holes of the coral. For the first time, the small fish saw such a small fish. In the sea, the big fish eat small fish, and the small fish eat smaller fish, which is normal.

So the small fish also developed their own recipes and ate some of the small fish hidden in the coral. When she was full, she went forward and went to a jellyfish group. The jellyfishes were pink, transparent hats, pink with fluorescent skirts, and they were beautiful.

The little fish looked in the distance, did not dare to go forward, she knew that these jellyfish looked at the very beautiful skirt can not touch, there is danger. When the jellyfish group passed, the small fish swam over a group of white fish smaller than her. It seems to be on the way, the little fish simply follow them. They swim very fast, and these fish always come and go in a hurry, not as slow as a small fish.

Sometimes a large group of fish is much more dangerous than a fish. The small fish followed the fish, and soon found a big guy in the distance. The big fish was obviously hungry. He naturally did not let go of the food coming from the door. He accelerated and swam over. The fish group came over.

His mouth was like a box, and a lot of fish went in. The rest of the fish have escaped and swam to both sides. The small fish that followed was also quickly avoided. The big fish did not come to chase her with a fish. Opened his mouth and walked toward the fish, and the fish were scared and swam around.

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