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Shu fish found that his recent life is simply gorgeous, every day in addition to overturning the rain or overturning the rain, the festival is also broken, the scale is broken and broken. Fiction

Although she wants to be a righteous person, but she does not want to look forward to it, she has no resistance. The demonized hope of doing the thing is that the whole person is like an enhanced version, and it has a kind of hook. The breath of people, Shu fish did not hold it again and again.

Back pain or small things, from indoor madness to outdoor, from the bed to the pool, the degree of acceptance is a little bit of hope and recollection is really shame.

The hopeful kidney is very good, so Shuyu has been groggy for many days. I don't know why it's on the eve of the night. I only think that I guess I will be killed in the bed next time.

I can't feel hungry in the confusion, but I hope that she will feed her several times. Sometimes she bites her lip and gives her a deep kiss. Sometimes she scratches her finger and hands it. Her mouth, once again opened a mouth to his own chest, instantly turned into a murder scene, scared Shu fish at that time was dying (and not).

Shu fish is the best temper, and the heart is soft again. It is so unstoppable that the fish can't help but explode for a dozen days, let alone a madness from time to time to challenge her ability to withstand.

You said that this blackened how it has not changed? It's not endless to want to make up for a thousand years. After using a paste-like head to count the number of hairs that have been going on for a thousand years, Shu fish was frightened by his own brain. When he once again looked up, he held his hand in trembling.

"Don't do it."

"I just want to hug you."

"No." Do you think that being cheated so many times will I still believe it? Ha ha.

"Small fish, don't refuse me." Although the voice was very gentle, his expression was obviously saying that if you refused me, I would be black.

Shu Yu couldn't bear it. He turned him over the bed and sat on his waist and pressed his chin. He said with a blank expression: "I said, I want to rest quietly!" Her eyes are also very firm expression. I will be angry with you if you don't let me rest.

For a long time, the dangerous expression that was intentionally made by the hope was covered by the enlarged smile on the face. Shu fish was willing to obey him. Although she was not happy, he was happy with his teeth and claws. So he lay down on the portrait of Ren Qing, who said nothing: "Okay, let the fish rest."

Shu fish finally relaxed a bit, just fell forward in this position, buried himself and slept. Looking at the force that she fell on her chest, she gave a sigh of sorrow, and then she saw her expression of a 'returning one by one'. She couldn't help but laugh out loud, and it was a matter of being a mattress. Don't care.

After discovering that the hope of the hope is also great, Shu fish gradually became more and more fat. When he had a tendency to keep on going, he simply overwhelmed him and pressed him to prevent the manual foot. Float is a match, if it is pressed, it will not move. When it is a mattress, it seems to be very obedient.

Shu fish is getting more and more confused about him. Sometimes she feels that this kind of hopefulness loves her love, and sometimes she feels that this hope does not love her. He is more difficult to understand than the reading comprehension of the language. It is even more difficult to solve the problem of the Olympics. Yes, he has become a mysterious beautiful man. Shu fish felt that he did not understand him. Suddenly there was a kind of love for a wild horse. He ate the bitterness of her entire grassland in minutes.

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