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Shu fish holding the fox demon little boy slammed into the water, the whole person was stupid, struggling in the water, and quickly went to catch the hope of letting go. After catching a few shots, I touched an arm. The result was so hard to touch, and I pulled the person up to the surface of the water. I turned around and found that something was wrong.

Lying in the trough, where did the young boy go to the ear and the tail? How did he suddenly come back? Shu fish did not know whether he should be happy or regret it now. Oh, seeing the look of the look soaked, Shu fish thought about it and felt that he was right now.

The hope that suddenly fell into the water and pulled up was also rare to reveal a little expression, but he quickly recovered calm, at least faster than Shuyu. He saw that he had recovered the body of an adult and hooked his lips. Fortunately, it is faster than he imagined to recover. In this place, the weakness of semi-demonization is very unfavorable to him. Now, at least, it can be used.

It will not be used as a scorpion.

I recovered my original body and seemed to have recovered together with those who were not calm before. Standing in the water, standing in the water, revealing half a chest, letting Shu Yu stay with his arm, and the other hand pulls the wet black hair stuck on his face, which will spread out on his body. White silk pulls, covering the chest wound that was accidentally exposed.

He didn't say a word. He first took Shu fish with her and went to the shore. He pulled the man to the shore and took out a cloak to cover the wet fish. Then he said: "Change clothes first. I went to the side to clean up the wound." Finished giving her a soothing smile.

When I waited for the hope, I changed my wound and changed my clothes. I saw that Shu Yu's head was standing there, staring at him, and said, "How are you hurting? Are you okay? Not intentional, I see you are asleep, want to take you to a place to rest, but when you stand up, you are not careful."

I hope to tell this uneasy girl, the vitality of the Yaozu is still very tenacious, not so easy to die. I don't know why, in her heart, he seems to be a crispy guy, really helpless. Take care of his sleeves, and look forward to hug the fish, and let her swallow the rest of the words.

After touching the hair behind the head of the fish, I looked up and said: "I know, I am not angry with you."

Shu fish shoulders loose, feeling a little cramped in the arms of the hope, afraid to press the seemingly serious wound on his chest, it is not easy to struggle to push open. How do you say it, she seems to feel a weird, in short, I feel that the hope is not the same as the previous look.

Although the previous hopes like to occasionally and naturally do some intimate relatives to her, but the feeling is still awkward, but now, it seems that some are not the same, inexplicable more intimate. Is it because I left the place where people are nervous and came to this environment where they are safe for only two of them?

Shu fish feels very likely, but she feels that the situation is not good. If it is a young fox, she can also hint that she can't make up for the strange brain, but now this boyfriend is a man with full glamour, she is always unhappy. And look at this special environment, only two of them, but also a lonely man and a woman to get along for a year, it will be difficult to hold in this case.

Of course, she will never fear the challenge, and the principle is still to be adhered to.

Shu fish has an advantage, it is difficult to shake when it decides one thing, and it has special perseverance. It seems to be weak and good to speak, but in reality it is stubborn and tough.

The hope of ending this temptation hug, let go of her, did not see shyness on her face, only full of firmness, suddenly felt tricky. However, the most fearful thing for him is the challenge. Shu fish must have the same feelings for him. Otherwise, he will never give up. He never wanted such a thing, but the more urgent he was, the calmer he was and the whole person seemed to be shocked. Commonly known, boring in his heart burned silently.

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