ch 23

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The sun's rays shine from the roof to the window, into the room through the gap, and a bright line on the large, messy desk. The jewels on the desk are no longer dazzling in the lit space, leaving only a slight radiance. The incense burner in the corner of the room was extinguished in the middle of the night, but the air still had a fragrant fragrance.

The crouching at the table carefully played with a little gadget, and finally stopped the action in his hand, picking up the fine gadgets on the table and looking around, his eyes showed a trace of satisfaction. Putting things back on the table, he twisted his wrist, put a pair of outer shirts on the chair, and pushed the door out of the study.

The air outside was much fresher than the one that was closed for one night. The floating look was draped in the outerwear and stood at the door of the study, and the sun was slightly squinted.

He didn't have to look at the room next to him, he knew that Shuyu had already gone out. After she was able to play against the Yaozu completely, his teacher had never arranged homework. Shuyu was consciously looking for someone to practice, and he did not worry about it anymore. He is busy learning a lot of things, Shu Yu also has her own ideas, the time of getting along with two people is not as much as in the previous months.

I thought that Shu fish would go out early and go out late every night. I only had dinner together at night, and then I went to rest. When I went out early in the morning, I couldn't help but shake my head. He was sure that Shu fish was avoiding him.

She is very secretive, not eager to avoid him, but slowly changing, seemingly afraid of what he sees. It can be hoped that it is a kind of exquisite mind. After she has that meaning, she will be aware of it.

Just if you notice it, there is nothing you can do.

In the past six months, I have tried many methods and I have not worked. Sometimes I look at the girl and I can't help but think that she is actually a small turtle. Let him knock the turtle shell and not be angry, it seems to be very soft, but the mouth is as hard as the turtle shell. In any case, it implies that she is slow and not expressive. When she picks it up, she shrinks her head and lets you squat.

It is really making him pity and helpless. I want to use a point too much to force her to force her, but how can I not worry about it, can only watch the little turtle look out and look at him innocently, and retreat lightly. In addition to knocking out the shell of the turtle, what else can he do.

If she puts a refusal attitude, she will have a way to go, but she did not give him this opportunity, or she seems unable to refuse his kindness. But she will not respond, you are good to her, she will try to be better for you. Other than that, nothing.

She does not want to, hopelessly strong, his character determines that he will not be so rude to achieve the purpose, plus he is more concerned about the feelings of the fish than the day, so they are holding hands, the little tricks of the past It's half-dozen, but it's been deadlocked for so long.

Seeing that half a year has passed, the hope of floating is still no longer moving, and my heart is also anxious.

"The heart is so soft, it doesn't look like it." Light as sighs seem to dissipate in the morning light.

I hope that I will be ready to step down the steps. What is the sight of the corner of my eye? When I turn around, I find something on the window sill of the study. My heart moves and walks over to see it, as if he thought. A few jade slips, two elixir that he can just eat now, and a piece of crepe paper.

"What you got inadvertently yesterday, you should be able to use it. In addition, you still have to rest at night."

I felt the handwriting that was slightly blurred by the dew, and I couldn't help but sigh.

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