An End to it all

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I am late.

I am never late, yet today of all days I am late.

My usual 20 minute commute to work has taken well over an hour.

I can't blame it on any one particular thing. I set off at my usual time. It's as if the world colluded to delay me more than necessary. Temporary traffic lights, diversions, a flash flood, tractors and cyclists.

I grab my bags and prepare to run across the road in the pouring rain. Typical British weather. It was blazing sunshine when I left for work. Within the last hour a heavy rain cloud has descended on me, producing wind and heavy cold rain.

As I said before, nothing has gone to plan. With a rucksack full of crafting items, shoulder bag full of essentials and a carrier bag full of food, I race across the road towards the office.

Bright lights and a horn from a lorry approach fast from my left. There is nowhere to run and escape, it is too close.

I resign myself to the fact that the impact will hurt and brace myself for impact.

The truck hits by body, throwing me into the air. As the pain starts to register, I meet the ground, my head banging off the concrete. My vision goes black as I lose consciousness.

I am floating, weightless in a dark abyss. There is no sound, and no sense of direction. Despite being alone in the dark, I feel warm and safe. The accident, work, life mean nothing. I finally feel relaxed and content. The past was done with. I knew I did not survive the accident, and yet I couldn't find it in myself to care.

I drift for a long time, dreaming of nothing and everything. I let my mind wander, allowing it to follow tangents both large and small, on a never ending journey.


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