Chapter 4: Techno's struggles

Start from the beginning

"I'm looking forward to that. Jamming I mean. Tubbo's learning the ukulele and this cool music program, and Tommy's learning the piano and maybe the guitar. I think it will be nice this summer, to sit in the music room with the doors open and just play music?"

"We've got to do that this summer!"


"Dad will probably jump at the chance to hear us play again properly to be honest. Also, I was thinking we should sort out the band's social media this summer. Get some videos posted. Tiktok could be a good way for us to get clips of us playing out there. I think I've got some videos from the prom."

"Sounds cool." Everyone else agreed. I leant back on my hands, feeling the sun on my face. A group of year 7's ran past us, scrambling for a football and I realised that sitting on the field might not have been our best idea.

Kristin's POV:

I knocked on Techno's door, waiting for him to answer before I went in.

"Hey brain box, Dad and Tommy are going to be back soon and apparently the meeting went really well." He hummed in reply, not looking up from his laptop. "Did you see the work school have sent through? There's not a lot." He shrugged. "Did you want to talk or?" He shook his head. "Okay, well I'll be downstairs if you need me. Did you want anything to eat or drink?" He shook his head again. "Okay, love you bud."

"Love you too." He mumbled.

I returned downstairs to Tubbo also in his bedroom, and also sat on his laptop. "You alright bud?" He nodded with a smile. "Can I ask what you're working on?"


"Oh, on that new music program?" He nodded.

"Could I listen to it?" He winced. "Maybe a bit later?" He nodded. "Okay then, did you want anything to eat or drink then?" He pointed to his cup of squash and I nodded. "I'll leave you to it then."

With everyone I was supposed to be looking after, sufficiently looked-after, I leant back on the sofa and began watching some tv. I had been meaning to catch up on it, but our lives had been so busy recently and all normalcy was only really just getting back together. I was catching up with episodes of the Crown I had still not gotten round to, and secretly enjoying a small bag of chocolate pretzels that I'd hidden in the back of the snack cupboard.

Time skip:

I handed the bowl of potatoes over to Wilbur. "So good day at school then?"

"Yea, it was alright. Ash said he saw you in his art class."

"Oh yea, Tommy did you see Ash in the art classroom?"

"Yea." The table fell into silence.

"Has no one heard him say that before?" Everyone shook their heads.

"James said he started saying it at the trampoline park."

"I'm right f-cking here." Came the robotic voice from the iPad.

"Hey, we have talked about using words like that, would you like to repeat yourself in a nicer way?"

"Please stop talking about me like I don't exist."

"Thank you, and yes you're right, we all need to get better with involving you in conversations about you."

"Not all of us." Techno mumbled.

"Hey, I don't think that was necessary."

"Well I do," Techno huffed.

"Would you like to explain why you think that?"

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