Chapter Sixty

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Dabi's pov I sat down at the bar listening to the all mighty plan the members have come up to 'save' Shigaraki

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Dabi's pov
I sat down at the bar listening to the all mighty plan the members have come up to 'save' Shigaraki. I was quiet the whole time, I didn't really care about that guy he was full of shit anyways.

Watching his trail was entertaining though, that was probably the first time he's ever kept his mouth shut for such a long time. I got up leaving the bar making my way to Izuku's place, "Dabi? W-what are you doing here?" He asks once I climbed into his window.

"I thought I'd stop by, I missed ya" I said kissing his head, he smiled at me before burying his face into my chest. Izuku is one of the first people I've ever had such a warm connection to after so many years, it was just supposed to be us messing around but I guess I've actually fell in love with him.

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes enjoying my time with him until the birds started chirping letting me know it was morning. I wasn't sure how to leave without waking Izuku up, he was sleeping peacefully laying his head on my chest.

But I was already gone after leaving him, I didn't really want to leave him but I also didn't want to get caught by his father. He seemed like a really tough guy I've heard how much he hated Tomura imagine the hate he'd have for me.

Once I opened the door to the bar I was greeted by a fist punching into my face knocking me to the ground. I lifted my head up seeing it was Shigaraki, I smiled before getting up punching him back. We were at it together hitting, kicking pulling each others hair as if we were some high school girls in a fight.

Kurogiri and Spinner had pulled us apart from each other making sure none of us ended up killing someone "stop it you two, you guys are supposed to working together not killing each other" the real boss said. For the first time he was standing in the same room as us and god was he ugly.

"Dabi, Tomura come to my office" he said as he walked away from us. I looked over at Tomura and followed the man "have a seat you two"

Shigarakis pov
I sat down by master while Dabi sat across from us, he looked at me with his smudge look and I furrowed my brows at him.

"I know you two are having some problems but can we please forgive and forget? We are all supposed to work together with no problems with one another" master said as he poured us some drinks.

"I mean Im fine, I don't have any issues with anyone" Dabi said with a chuckle "it's just Shigaraki I mean, he switched up out of nowhere-" "you know why! You know exactly what you did you-" "stop it tomura, why don't you tell me what's going on"

"Dabi took Izuku away from me, he slept with him when he knew we were together" "aye you guys broke up, you're just obsessed with him" "I am not!" "Be quiet and tomura get over that boy, he's no good"

"That boys father works with hero's, he himself was a hero as well but he retired, you don't have any clue on how dangerous it is to be with someone who can easily turn their back on us"

"But master-" "enough, so let's settle this shall we?"

I looked at master who raised his glass of liquor with a grin on his face as Dabi slowly grabbed his drink, I grabbed mine as well and sighed before drinking from it.

It didn't take long for Dabi to start sweating as he coughed "fuck did you to my drink" he said as he tried breathing "oh Dabi, you're a powerful man, I expected a lot from you but Shigaraki is my successor if his wish is to take you out then it shall be it"

I looked at Dabi with a grin watching him slowly die, now that he's out of my way I'd get to be with Izuku again.

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