Jimin Has Found You

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Jimin has arrived at the location where you're being held. He left his car hidden behind a building blocked from sight by trees, not far from the old farm house.

He has made it to the side of the house and leans on the farm house fighting a wave of nausea. He thinks to himself 'Not now dammit!' and he takes a few deep breaths to try and clear his head.

He starts to check the windows to see if he can find you or see your captors. He is grabbed from behind. Startled he punches wildly, making contact with the person grabbing him.

"Hey, man, settle down. I'm here to help." The man gently rubs his jaw where Jimin's fist made contact.

Head spinning he puts his hands on his knees to stay upright and Jimin asks "Who are you?" The man replies "I'm one of Mr. Lee's men. He sent several of us out here to rescue the young lady."

Incredulously Jimin looks at the man "Mr. Lee sent you to help?" Jimin raises his hand to his head and shuts his eyes.

The man says "Yes, one of his under bosses has decided to go rogue. We had word through our boss, Mr. Lee, is working with Mr. Jung to get her back." Noticing the grimace on Jimin's face as he holds a hand to his head he asks "Hey, You ok man?" putting a steadying hand on his shoulder.

Jimin puts his hand down the dizzy spell gone for now and says "Jung Ho-Seok? Mr. Lee is helping?" asks Jimin. He replies "Yes, are you ok?" Jimin stands straighter and mumbles "Yeah" as he looks around.

"Yes, by the way you can call me Hawn." He holds out his hand. Still not completely trusting him Jimin says "Park" and shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you Hawn."

He wasn't ready to trust Hawn with his name just yet. Hawn says "Nice to meet you Park."

Then as if he knew Jimin all his life and were best friends he fills Jimin in on what he has discovered so far and his plans for rescuing you.

Thinking he would be soloing this rescue he is happy for the assist of Jimin though he thought he looked a little 'green around the gills' his favorite new saying from America, meaning the person looked a little ill.

Hawn places a friendly hand on Jimin's shoulder and asks with a slight grin, as he loves his job, "Shall we go save the girl?"

Jimin nods his head then regrets it as a wave of nausea and dizziness try to overwhelm him. He fights it off taking several deep slow breathes.

Hawn had arrived before Jimin and knew which room you were being held in. He explains to Jimin, "They have her locked in what looks to be a pantry." Jimin is looking at the house while listening to Hawn.

"They must feel pretty sure of themselves, they are just sitting around playing cards in the living room last time I checked. I have not seen any one check on her, but I know she's hurt."

Looking back at Hawn Jimin asks, "Is she conscious?" He says "I don't think so. When I shown the flashlight on her she didn't move or open her eyes."

Jimin almost collapses but Hawn catches him, "Steady there. You sure you're ok?" Jimin takes several deep breaths, "I will be, have you thought of how we can get her out? How many of them are there?"

Hawn frowns in concern for Jimin but figures it must be more than just a rescue, this young lady must be someone important to him.

"I counted six in the living room but haven't seen any others. I have tried the windows and I think we can bring her out that way." He points to a window on the back side of the house.

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